A complete list of available support is below. Please take the time to read it and use the links to the support you need.
If you, or someone you know, need help with accessing advice and support with the cost of living, please complete our online Community Help Hub referral form. Please note that we aim to respond to your contact within 5 working days
We understand that some council tenants may face financial difficulties due to the rising cost of living. Tenants with specific worries should contact our Estates Team as soon as possible.
If you are a private tenant, with another social landlord, or own your own home and would like advice about financial concerns, please contact your landlord/mortgage provider directly or visit Shelter for further information.
We also have a range of supportive information on our Housing advice pages.
If your Housing Benefit or Universal Credit does not cover all your rent, you may be eligible to apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment, which can offer a short-term or one-off payment for those experiencing exceptional financial hardship.
If you are of pensionable age or working and living in Supported or Temporary accommodation, you can apply for Housing Benefit to help pay your rent.
You can also apply for a reduction in your Council Tax bill if you are on a low income or claiming benefits.
If you are a homeowner, you may be eligible to get Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) to help towards interest payments on your mortgage or loans you have taken out for certain repairs and improvements to your home.
The BBC has tips from some of the UK’s leading mortgage experts on how to cope with the rising costs.
If you are on a low income and unable to afford furniture, End Furniture Poverty can help direct you to the right source of support.
Wavelength can provide free radios, televisions and tablets to people who are lonely and can’t afford to buy the technology themselves.
Read great tips on how you can reduce your waste at home – saving you money whilst helping the environment.
If you are looking for something, or have something you don’t need, there are online groups which connects local people who can offer up and get unwanted items for free - everything from sofas and fridges to baby buggies and DVDs.