A Community Governance Review is a process whereby East Suffolk Council can make changes to the governance arrangements for town and parish councils and parish areas.
The process involves asking the public and other interested parties about the most suitable way of representing the local communities. This is to ensure that local governance arrangements within East Suffolk continue to be reflective of the identity and interest of local communities and that they are as efficient and effective as they can be.
Community Governance Reviews are undertaken in accordance with the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007. This enables East Suffolk Council to review parish governance systems and structures. A number of changes can be made when there is clear evidence to do so:
It is good practice to carry out a Community Governance Review every 10-15 years. However, East Suffolk Council may schedule a review in response of a reasonable request from an individual, group or parish or following the receipt of a valid petition containing the sufficient number of signatures required.
For more information on the review process, please read the Government guidance Community governance reviews: guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) or email CGR@eastsuffolk.gov.uk.