Generally, the air quality within our district is very good and key pollutant levels are within the limits set by Government for the protection of human health, with the exception of two small localised areas where the national limits set for annual mean nitrogen dioxide (NO2) have been exceeded and Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) are declared:
The Woodbridge AQMA was declared in 2006 and the current Action Plan includes 20 measures to reduce NO2 concentrations from both queueing and moving traffic at this junction.
The AQMA located on the A12 at Stratford St. Andrew was declared in 2014 and the Action Plan consists of 2 short term, priority action measures and 6 longer term aspirational measures. The main priority measure to move the 30/50mph change of speed limit sign further south out of the village was undertaken in December 2017.
A third AQMA was historically located at The Dooley Inn, Ferry Lane, Felixstowe (a single property close to the Port of Felixstowe). It was revoked in October 2016 due to falling NO2 concentrations. These reductions were enabled through emissions reduction projects being undertaken by the Port of Felixstowe.
NO2 is measured in the district by an automatic analyser in Woodbridge and diffusion tubes, situated in monitoring locations within: