Voluntary organisations, community groups and faith networks can now access grant funding for projects that help ease cost of living pressures around food and heating this winter – but applications need to be in soon.
Read more about "Grants for winter support – now live"...Paragraph 84 of the National Planning Policy Framework allows for the development of isolated homes in the countryside according to the following criteria:
Read more about "Exception Houses – Paragraph 84 of the NPPF"...East Suffolk councillors are supporting an ambitious local group with grants from their Enabling Communities Budget.
Read more about "Funding boost for community hub plans in Lowestoft "...Following two years of design and planning work, a new development in the heart of Lowestoft’s PowerPark is taking a vital step forward as demolition gets underway this week.
Read more about "Work begins on The Nexus "...Overnight storm conditions have led to further erosion of the cliffs at Pakefield.
Read more about "Further erosion at Pakefield - please stay away from the cliffs for your safety"...A new seaside development of beach huts and landscaped public greenspace in Felixstowe has been officially opened.
Read more about "Felixstowe’s ‘Seashore Village’ officially opened"...The Home Office serious violence strategy shows that since 2014, specific types of serious violence have been increasing faster than other crime types. Specifically, homicide, knife crime, gun crime and county lines drug dealing have increased significantly. The new duty however also widens the scope for each area to include other forms of serious violence, for example, robbery, aggravated burglary, assaults, arson endangering life, modern slavery, sexual assault, exploitation & disorder.
Read more about "Serious Violence Duty"...If you are a professional or work for a voluntary sector organisation you can make a direct referral for a winter warmth pack to be sent to a person or household in need. You will need to provide your contact details and get the consent of the household to share their details with us too.
Read more about "Winter warmth referral"...Page 217 of 240