The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 requires the council to complete a review of all Parliamentary polling districts and polling places every four years. The next review must be completed between October 2023 and January 2025.
Read more about "Review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations 2023"...Animal Warden Services looks after the collection of stray and lost dogs on behalf of East Suffolk Council. To report a stray dog please contact Animal Warden Services directly on 01502 802045. In the event you receive an automated reply because the dog warden is unavailable, please leave a short message including your phone number and they will return your call.
Read more about "Lost and stray dogs"...Our Environmental Protection team has powers of enforcement, under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, to deal with smells that cause a statutory nuisance. A statutory nuisance includes 'any smell arising on an industrial, trade or business premises and being prejudicial to health or a nuisance'.
Read more about "Odours and smells"...We have powers to deal with smoke, dust or fumes that amount to a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Section 79. Statutory nuisance is not easily defined, in general terms it is 'something that interferes unreasonably with your enjoyment of your property, a regular disturbance that continues sufficiently to be deemed unreasonable'.
Read more about "Smoke, dust and fumes"...We can deal with accumulations of rubbish on private land if the waste material is providing shelter for rats or mice, or consists of offensive, decomposing matter. In such cases we may serve a notice on the owner or occupier of the land requiring them to remove it within a certain period of time. If they do not comply, we can arrange for its removal and recover the costs incurred from the person on whom we served the notice.
Read more about "Rubbish on private land"...The Leisure Redevelopment Programme, which began in 2014, is part of our commitment to invest in new state-of-the-art leisure facilities that will encourage more people to become active and fit.
Read more about "Leisure Centre Redevelopment Programme "...Your district council is responsible for collecting Council Tax for the district, although the total amount collected is divided between the East Suffolk Council, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner and your town or parish council.
Read more about "Where your Council Tax goes"...Town/colour key:
Read more about "Street collections diary"...Page 84 of 240