East Suffolk Council commissioned Knight, Kavanagh and Page Ltd (KKP) as consultants in 2020 to support the development of the first East Suffolk Council Leisure Strategy, incorporating a suite of strategies, namely the Indoor and Built Facilities Strategy, Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy and Open Space and Play Strategy, to provide an up-to-date evidence base and to help inform future decision-making processes.
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- The 30/50mph ‘change of speed limit’ signs at Stratford St Andrew have been moved further out of the village. Air quality modelling suggests that this should stop vehicles accelerating within the AQMA and therefore reduce NO2 emissions.
- Provision of information to the public and commerce on reducing emissions from solid fuel and wood burning, including the Government’s ‘Ready to Burn’ campaign.
- Trial to allow cycling on the promenade at Felixstowe has been completed and cycling is now allowed permanently. This will help encourage people out of their vehicles and allow associated emission reductions.
- The Port has purchased 24 ECO-Rubber Tyred Gantry cranes (RTGs) to date. 34 blocks on the port have been converted to electric. 41 RTGs have been converted to electric (eRTG). Two new electric quay cranes were installed in March 2018. 24 Internal Movement Vehicles (IMVs) were replaced in 2018. Two new electric staff vehicles and an electric internal tractor are being trialled to determine viability. The new and upgraded equipment will reduce emissions of NO2 and particulates from port activities.
- The Port of Felixstowe has implemented a campaign to reduce vehicle idling within its boundary which will help reduce port-side emissions of NO2 and particulates.
- Assessment of all relevant planning applications for air quality by the Environmental Protection Team, together with involvement in larger applications such as Sizewell C Power Station, Lake Lothing Third Crossing in Lowestoft, Adastral Park in Martlesham and Woods Meadow development in Oulton.
- Completed bid sent to the Highways Agency for installation of a rapid electric vehicle charging unit for public use in Felixstowe. This is part of a larger bid for 11 of these units within Suffolk. The hope is to improve the charging network within Suffolk to aid update and use of electric vehicles.
- A first draft of Travel Plan guidance for Suffolk has been produced by Suffolk County Council in conjunction with the district councils.
- The Lake Lothing third crossing in Lowestoft has undergone public consultation, ground investigations and submission of the complete application to the Planning Inspectorate. It is hoped that construction work will begin in 2020 with a project completion date of 2022. More information can be found on the Suffolk County Council website. The Lake Lothing third crossing would reduce traffic congestion within Lowestoft and particularly around the Bascule Bridge and improve air quality at this location.
- The final draft of the Waveney Local Plan has been published.
- Work by Network Rail, to reduce the rail crossing barrier down time in Bridge Road, Oulton Broad, have improved the situation by relieving congestion in this area.
- Urban Traffic Management Control (UTMC) system UTMC is now installed and working within Lowestoft. The Bascule Bridge control system has now been suitably modified and connected to the traffic signals control system, allowing the signals to respond to the bridge and re-direct traffic accordingly. This should make it possible to set different signal timings to optimise traffic flow, not only at busy times, but to completely change the signal priorities when the Bascule Bridge lifts, thereby reducing congestion and associated emissions.
- The East Suffolk website air quality pages have been re-designed and updated. The website is now more accessible and includes new information on biomass and wood burning. This will aid to increase public awareness and knowledge surrounding air quality and provide ideas for all on personal emission reduction.
- Assessment of all relevant planning applications for air quality by our Environmental Protection team, together with involvement in larger applications such as Lake Lothing Third Crossing in Lowestoft and Woods Meadow development in Oulton.
Read more about "Air quality improvement actions"...
Read more about "Suffolk Coastal elections archive"...
Read more about "East Suffolk Shadow Cabinet 10 December 2018"...
Read more about "December 2018 meetings"...
Read more about "East Suffolk Shadow Council 3 December 2018"...
The eighth annual Quality of Place Awards ceremony took place on 22 November, recognising the best in design and conservation in Suffolk Coastal.
Read more about "2018 Quality of Place award winners"...
Read more about "Bungay Town Council by-election 14 September 2017"...
Stage Performances of Hypnotism
The Hypnotism Act 1952 states that no person shall give an exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism on any living person at, or in connection with an entertainment to which the public are admitted, whether on payment or otherwise, at any place unless the controlling authority have authorised that exhibition, demonstration or performance.
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As councils throughout the country seek to address a number of critical housing issues, the first ever joint Housing Strategy for East Suffolk sets out our ambitions and priorities for housing services from 2017 to 2023.
The full East Suffolk Housing Strategy establishes the challenges that the councils face and it also maps out the key areas of focus for the two councils:
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