A new planning document has been adopted in East Suffolk to help guide the development of affordable homes being delivered across the district.
East Suffolk Council has adopted a new Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The Affordable Housing SPD provides guidance to support the implementation of the Council’s planning policies on affordable housing.
Cllr David Ritchie, cabinet member for Planning and Coastal Management said: “Our two Local Plans contain policies relating to the provision and development of affordable housing and this Supplementary Planning Document will support the implementation of those policies. This new document, which includes guidance on the design of affordable housing, legal agreements and carrying out local housing needs assessments, will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications going forward.”
View the Affordable Housing SPD, and supporting documents, including the Consultation Statement and the Adoption Notice.
The East Suffolk Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) rates will apply to the majority of new planning permission from 1st August 2023.
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