For East Suffolk Council 'enabling' is not a political philosophy or set of legislative rights. It is about embedding a culture and approach to working with local people to deliver more with our communities by helping them to do things for themselves rather than doing things ‘to’ or ‘for’ them.
Read more about "Enabling Communities"...We think there are 12 steps for communities to follow. We have called this our Enabling Communities model. For each of the steps, there are organisations, people or things that can help.
Read more about "Enabling Communities Delivery Plan"...This page contains useful links which will take you to sites where you can get accurate information about current warnings that are in place in relation to weather and flooding. Some of the links below will give you access to advice on how you can prepare for these events.
Read more about "Seasonal Guidance"...Emergencies occur at any time of day or night, with little or no warning.
Read more about "What to do in an emergency"...Householders living in areas that have been flooded in the recent past or may be susceptible to flooding in the future are strongly advised to give some thought to flood protection measures for their property. Responsibility for protecting individual properties against flooding lies with the householder and not the local authority.
Read more about "Flooding guidance"...Wait... | Before you contact us, you might find what you're looking for on our Hazardous waste page. |
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Phone: | 0333 016 2000 |
If you are planning to hold an event on land owned by East Suffolk Council, then you may need to apply for permission to do so.
Read more about "Events on council land"...Page 68 of 240