The Hypnotism Act 1952 states that no person shall give an exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism on any living person at, or in connection with an entertainment to which the public are admitted, whether on payment or otherwise, at any place unless the controlling authority have authorised that exhibition, demonstration or performance.
Read more about "Hypnotism"...As councils throughout the country seek to address a number of critical housing issues, the first ever joint Housing Strategy for East Suffolk sets out our ambitions and priorities for housing services from 2017 to 2023.
The full East Suffolk Housing Strategy establishes the challenges that the councils face and it also maps out the key areas of focus for the two councils:
The Suffolk Armed Forces Annual Report |
Annual report 2021-22 |
East Suffolk Council is a partner of the Suffolk Armed Forces Community Covenant.
Read more about "Suffolk Armed Forces Community Covenant"...Licensing Committee | 06-06-18 |
Planning Committee | 12-06-18 |
Cabinet | 13-06-18 |
Overview and Scrutiny Committee | 14-06-18 |
Anglia Revenues and Benefits Partnership Joint Committee | 26-06-18 |
East Suffolk Council is seeking to appoint four independent people to the Southwold Harbour Management Committee (HMC) - a newly formed body which will be responsible for the running of the Harbour on East Suffolk's behalf.
Read more about "Southwold Harbour recruitment"...Licensing Committee | 07-02-18 |
Joint meeting of Overview & Scrutiny and Audit & Governance | 08-02-18 |
Planning Committee | 13-02-18 |
Cabinet | 14-02-18 |
Full Council | 21-02-18 |
Consultation in relation to The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 - Regulation 61- Assessment of implications for European sites
Read more about "Adastral Park Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)"...Page 126 of 231