Licensing Committee | 03-10-18 |
Overview and Scrutiny Committee | 04-10-18 |
Licensing Sub-Committee | 15-10-18 |
Planning Committee | 16-10-18 |
Simultaneous Scrutiny Meeting | 25-10-18 |
Carlton Colville Town Council are preparing a Neighbourhood Plan which will set out its vision for development to 2036.
Read more about "Carlton Colville neighbourhood plan"...East Suffolk Council is committed to the continuing professional development of its Councillors and Co-opted Members. Such a commitment is key to helping Members build on the skills and knowledge which they have, so they can best serve their communities, and respond to an ever-changing environment, the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current cost of living crisis. Also, so that they can deliver against the themes in the new emerging East Suffolk’s Strategic Plan – Our Direction 2028.
Read more about "Member development"...There are 12 council-owned beach huts on the beach at Sizewell but these are in very high demand and the waiting list is very long. However, if you would like to be added to the waiting list, please contact us.
Read more about "Beach huts at Felixstowe and Sizewell"...Residents in Felixstowe are invited to vote for their favourite name for a proposed beach village after planning application is submitted.
Read more about "Vote for your favourite name for proposed beach village in Felixstowe "...Bungay residents are invited to help shape a new project to support people with dementia and memory loss.
Read more about "Have your say on dementia support in Bungay "...A local care farm has received a funding boost from an East Suffolk councillor.
Read more about "Funding provides wheelchair access at care farm "...Page 138 of 231