The introduction of The Mobile Homes Act 2013 (The Act) provides greater protection to occupiers of residential park homes and caravans. It introduces important changes to the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960. The changes directly affect the way the Council licenses permanent residential sites (known as relevant protected sites).
Amongst a number of changes introduced on 1 April 2014, local authorities can now charge fees, on a cost-recovery basis, in relation to applications for new licences, transfers and amendments. An annual fee can also be charged for holding a site licence. Fees only apply to those sites that fall within the relevant protected site definition.
The Council is required to publish a fees policy and the level of fee is based upon the estimated time and cost involved in undertaking the inspection and administrative activities involved. Our fee structure is set out in our Park Homes Fees Policy.
A protected site is a mobile home park which has planning permission to have residents living there as their main residence throughout the year. A holiday park isn't a protected site. An exemption from the Protected Sites description and annual licensing fee requirement is any site/s for the sole use of the owner and their families (excluding sites that are run for financial gain).
You must have planning permission for the caravan site before you apply for a licence.
Your licence will last as long as your planning permission for the caravan site.
Licences will not be issued to applicants who have had a site licence revoked within three years of the current application.
Once the Council has received your application form, an officer will contact you to arrange the inspection of the site. On completion, an invoice will be sent for the appropriate fee for the number of residential units on your site.
Each Protected Site that has site rules in place must deposit those rules with the Local Authority, who will keep a Public register of site rules. Site rules will be accepted and published by the Council if the correct fee is paid, the contents are consistent with legislation and that the site owner can provide evidence that the rules have been correctly consulted upon. There must also be confirmation provided that there are no outstanding appeals by residents etc.
The fee charged for depositing site rules with the Council can be found in our Fees and Charges Policy.
From 1st October 2021, each Protected Site must have applied for the person responsible for the site to be assessed as a Fit and Proper Person. Once an application has been made, the local authority must decide as soon as possible, whether an entry onto the register can be made, with the decision made in writing and an entry being placed on our online Fit and Proper Person (Mobile Homes) Register.
Normally, an entry on the register will last for five years, and costs a one-off fee, which is set in accordance with our Park Homes Fees Policy, and published annually on our Fees and Charges page.
Tenancy rights can be complicated and depend on your situation. You should get legal advice if you think your landlord is treating you unfairly.
You can also contact Citizens Advice, the Leasehold Advisory Service or charities such as Shelter or Age UK if you have questions.
Community Legal Advice helpline
0845 345 4345
Leasehold Advisory Service
020 7383 9844
Shelter housing advice helpline
0808 800 4444
Age UK advice helpline
0800 169 6565