If you see anyone suspicious or who appears to be squatting in a property please contact the Housing Officer for that area or email us at estates@eastsuffolk.gov.uk. We can resolve the matter quickly and any contact will be strictly confidential.
Empty council properties are usually awaiting repair, redecoration or re-letting and we are keen to ensure they stay empty so that someone on the waiting list has the opportunity to find a home.
The laws on squatting are quite complex and the council cannot simply evict a person who is squatting. However, if any tenant becomes aware of squatters in a property that they know should be vacant (perhaps one tenant has moved out and another has not yet moved in) we would be grateful if the tenant would advise us and we can then commence the action. This applies generally to unknown and suspicious occupants.
The council cannot be expected to know what is happening in all the properties that it owns and we greatly appreciate the information we receive.