The drive for clean air and minimal pollution in East Suffolk has taken a step further with the adoption of a new Air Quality Strategy.
East Suffolk Council has once again demonstrated its commitment to put the environment at the centre of everything it does, as Councillors unanimously agreed to adopt a new Air Quality Strategy at last night’s Cabinet meeting.
Bringing together current policies and initiatives which have an impact on air quality, the robust strategy will now become an integrated part of the Council’s decision making, meaning that air quality will be a major consideration on a local and strategic level going forward.
It supports the Council’s vision of building environmentally sustainable communities in East Suffolk, and enabling sustainable travel options, delivering more educational campaigns, promoting eco-friendly developments and becoming carbon neutral by 2030 are just some of the objectives the Council seek to deliver.
Cllr James Mallinder, cabinet member for the Environment, said: “Everyone has a right to breathe clean air and the adoption of this new strategy is just another example of East Suffolk Council’s drive and commitment to improve air quality in the district and build the right environment for our communities.
“Poor air quality has a negative impact on our lives and health, and the Council will always seek to make improvements where necessary. Whilst the air quality in East Suffolk generally is very good, exceeding the Government’s expectations, we will continue our efforts to reduce air pollution and positively impact the quality of life of our residents.”