Residents, businesses and other interested parties are invited to help shape the future of open spaces across East Suffolk.
East Suffolk Council is currently carrying out research to help shape the future of open spaces and sports facilities in the District. This includes parks, play areas, allotments, cemeteries, playing pitches (such as football, rugby, cricket, bowls and tennis) and indoor facilities (such as sports halls and swimming pools).
As part of this, Knight, Kavanagh & Page (KKP) consultancy has been commissioned to carry out work to understand the supply and demand of open spaces and outdoor and indoor sports facilities in East Suffolk, whether managed by the public, private or voluntary sector.
Alongside this, the Council also wants to hear from residents, businesses and other interested parties what their view on the future of open spaces and outdoor and indoor sports facilities look like.
The aim of the consultation is to identify priorities and allocate resources across council-owned and managed open spaces in the future, while at the same time conserving and enhancing them to maximise community benefit.
Cllr Letitia Smith, cabinet member for Communities, Leisure and Tourism, said: “We know how important open spaces are to our communities, particularly in these challenging times. They provide an opportunity for sport and recreation, socialising, tourism and wildlife, making it an important contribution to the health and well-being of our communities, ecosystems and economies.
“However, up-to-date information is needed in order to ensure that there is adequate provision of accessible, high quality open spaces that meet the needs and aspirations of local communities, local people and people who work in or visit the District.
“We want to hear as many views as possible in this consultation which is not just about how we operate and manage our open spaces, but how we plan for the future based on the needs of those who use them, so we ask that you please take a minute or two to complete the survey as it will provide valuable information which can help inform future decisions.”