Following extensive public consultation, a document which will help shape the future development of South Lowestoft and Kirkley has been published.
Initiated by East Suffolk Council through the London Road, Lowestoft High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) - a four-year heritage-led regeneration project funded by Historic England in partnership with East Suffolk Council - the Lowestoft Seafront and High Street Heritage Action Zone Masterplan has been developed to enhance public spaces and improve connectivity between the seafront, Kirkley Village and the town centre with the overall aim of enhancing the area for residents and visitors.
The masterplan, prepared by consultants Jon Sheaff and Associates on behalf of East Suffolk Council, provides conceptual design proposals for the next ten years and will help shape future regeneration plans for the town.
In March 2021, Lowestoft secured £24.9million through the Government’s Towns Fund to invest in the regeneration of the town and £1.3million of this funding has been allocated specifically for seafront projects, in addition to £725,000 of funding ringfenced for the East Point Pavilion through the Town Deal Accelerator fund.
Cllr Craig Rivett, East Suffolk Council’s Deputy Leader and cabinet member for Economic Development said: “We are pleased to be able to share the final masterplan document, which gives an overview of how Kirkley Village and the seafront areas could look in future. The masterplan is part of much wider regeneration work already underway to enhance Lowestoft for residents and visitors; this includes the construction of 72 contemporary beach huts on the South Beach and the renovations to the East Point Pavilion.”
A series of workshops and interviews were conducted with local businesses, residents and community groups last year. Feedback provided was then used to shape the initial drafts of the masterplan, which was then presented for public consultation through online and drop-in events. Following these public consultations, the designs were amended to reflect the comments received.
Following the completion of the Masterplan, the Council will continue to explore key areas identified in the document to enhance the seafront economy.