Repair work to fill voids under a collapsed section of promenade at Southwold will begin later this month, ahead of planned repairs to the seawall.
Uniform banks in East Suffolk are invited to apply for additional support through a new funding scheme.
A free event is taking place later this month for people and organisations interesting in exploring the issues of eco anxiety and possible ways of responding positively.
History lovers are being given the chance to join East Suffolk Council and Suffolk Archives in charting the fascinating past of an iconic seafront landmark.
A new small grant scheme has been announced by the Wildlife Wise team which will directly support Wildlife Wise priorities with projects that aim to prevent recreational disturbance and damage to the Suffolk Coast’s internationally important wildlife and habitats.
The last remaining Air Quality Management Area in East Suffolk – located on the A12 within Stratford St Andrew – has been removed following significant improvements in air quality.
A new ‘best practice’ guide for housing developers has been published, setting out East Suffolk Council’s aspirations for high quality and well delivered new housing developments.
Unwanted items collected through East Suffolk Council’s bulky waste scheme are now being made available for reuse through a local charity.
Councillors in East Suffolk have expressed frustration with the Government’s unwillingness to discuss the cumulative impacts of delivering multiple, national energy projects affecting communities throughout the district and beyond.
Supported by funding from East Suffolk Council, a sports programme in Felixstowe has successfully provided activities for young people in the area and reduced incidences of anti-social behaviour.