Residents in East Suffolk are being urged to make sure they are ready to vote in May by checking they have an accepted form of ID.
Ambitious plans to transform an empty building into an exciting new visual arts and cultural space have been announced, as part of a wider programme of regeneration in Lowestoft’s town centre.
Residents in both Halesworth and Oulton will be asked to decide whether Neighbourhood Plans for their areas should be used to determine future planning applications.
Property owners and occupiers are being invited to share their views on proposals for the creation and expansion of Conservation Areas in Aldeburgh.
A new three-year grant programme has been launched to help support East Suffolk’s high streets through town centre improvements, arts and cultural activities and improvements to shopfronts.
Older people living in Carlton Colville, Kessingland, Southwold and surrounding villages are invited to exchange their old, worn-out slippers for free to help them stay safely on their feet in a new initiative.