On sites where there are trees subject to preservation orders, within conservation areas or where there are important amenity, landscape, landmark or heritage trees, a tree survey (location, species, dimensions) and tree condition report incorporating BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction will be required when an application for planning permission is made.
As well as the trees, the survey must indicate key landscape features such as ponds, hedges and wildlife corridors that may be affected by the proposed development. Trees to be felled and trees to be retained should be clearly delineated. The information should provide details of tree and hedge protection, for those retained, in accordance with BS5837.
For larger applications it will also be appropriate to provide details of the landscape strategy for the site, including indications of new planting.
An arboricultural method statement should be provided that sets out the information regarding the measures to be taken to protect the trees shown to be retained on the submitted drawings, schedules of any necessary tree work and proposals for long-term maintenance.
The enhancement of the green environment is essential to the well-being of its inhabitants. Trees, shrubs and hedges can provide shelter, shade, homes for wildlife, fuel, decoration, pollution control and beauty. The Council promotes the planting of new trees, hedges and shrubs on new developments and on open space where opportunities arise. We encourage residents to care for trees and hedges that have been planted in their own gardens by developers.
There are usually opportunities for tree planting within private gardens where it is important to choose the right tree, the right space and to manage the tree carefully when planted.