The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a new standard charge which local authorities in England and Wales can charge on most types of new development in their area.
In Suffolk Coastal the funds collected through CIL will be used to help fund infrastructure needed to support the development planned in the Suffolk Coastal District Local Plan (Core Strategy and Development Management Policies).
Currently Suffolk Coastal collects contributions from developers through Section 106 planning obligations. These contributions help deliver improvements to infrastructure such as open space, schools and transport works.
CIL is a clear and consistent charge that will be placed on most new developments. It is non-negotiable and calculated on a charge per square metre of floor space created (£/sqm). Details of the CIL charges across a local authority are to be found in a Charging Schedule.
We have commissioned consultants to undertake work specifically looking at the infrastructure needs as well as viability of developments across the district, based on the level of growth outlined in the Suffolk Coastal District Local Plan (Core Strategy and Development Management Policies). You can view these documents by following the links below:
The evidence base has enabled us to put together a preliminary draft Charging Schedule which includes the details of the CIL charges proposed.
The draft document proposes a range of different charges for types and sizes of developments expected across the district including new residential and retail schemes. The standard charges proposed are non-negotiable and are not expected to make future developments unviable. You can view the draft document by following the link below:
We consulted on the preliminary draft CIL Charging Schedule for a period of 6 weeks from 21 May to 2 July 2014.
The following responses were received as part of the consultation process: