On 5 December 2014, Suffolk Coastal formally submitted documents to the Planning Inspectorate for examination under Regulation 19 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulation 2010 (as amended).
We considered all of the representations received and provided the Planning Inspectorate with full copies of these. Alongside the representations, we prepared an initial summary of the issues raised. In the table below is a list of links to the documentation that was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.
Links to representations can be found on the preliminary draft Charging Schedule and the draft Charging Schedule webpages.
The Planning Inspectorate appointed Katie Child MA (Hons) MRTPI BSc to conduct the CIL Examination. The hearing session into the Draft Charging Schedule took place on 19 March 2015 at the Riverside Centre, Stratford St Andrew.
We have created a separate CIL Examination page where correspondence between the Planning Inspectorate and Suffolk Coastal and post hearing information is published.
The documents below were submitted to the Planning Inspectorate to support the Council’s Charging Schedule.
Reference | Title |
CIL/EB/A | Draft Charging Schedule |
CIL/EB/B | Draft Instalments Policy |
CIL/EB/C | Draft Regulation 123 List |
CIL/EB/D | CIL Background Document |
CIL/EB/E | Summary of Draft Charging Schedule Representations |
CIL/EB/F | Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule |
CIL/EB/G | Summary of Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Representations |
CIL/EB/H | Infrastructure Delivery Plan – Navigus Planning |
CIL/EB/I | Viability Study – Peter Brett Associates |
CIL/EB/J | Addendum to the Viability Study – Peter Brett Associates |
CIL/EB/K | Suffolk Coastal Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD |
CIL/EB/L | Summary table of those wishing to appear at examination |
CIL/EB/M | Public Notice of consultation 6 October 2014 |
CIL/EB/N | CIL Council Report 25 September 2014 |
CIL/EB/O | Minutes from Council Meeting 25 September 2014 |