A high standard in street naming and the naming or numbering of properties is essential, as it allows:
The Public Health Act 1925 (sections 17 to 19) places a statutory obligation on councils to supply and maintain correct addressing for every street within the authority. All names and numbers are issued in accordance with our street naming and numbering procedure which establishes the rules around the processing of:
East Suffolk Council defines all elements of an address except the postcode and postal town which are the responsibility of Royal Mail. Royal Mail will assign a postcode only when the council has notified them of the official address. There is a charge for the non-statutory provision of our service, for information please see our schedule of charges.
To apply for street naming and numbering please use the application form below:
No action will be taken until full payment is received.
For any enquiries relating to requests for additional signage or the relocation of existing signage you can use the online form. There may be a charge incurred. This will be in line with our fees and charges schedule.