The LionLink Multi-Purpose Interconnector (formerly known as EuroLink) is being developed by National Grid Ventures. Interconnectors are high voltage cables which connect the electricity systems of neighbouring countries. Multi-Purpose Interconnectors could enable interconnection and offshore wind to work together as one combined asset.
The LionLink project (formerly EuroLink) project involves the creation of a High Voltage Direct Current transmission cable between the UK and Netherlands. The cables would travel between the two countries whilst connecting to offshore wind farm/s at sea. This would then connect to an onshore converter station at each end of the connection to transform High Voltage Direct Current into High Voltage Alternating Current so that the energy can be fed into the transmission network of each country.
The Secretary of State has exercised powers under section 35 of the Planning Act 2008 to direct that the LionLink project (formerly EuroLink) project be treated as development for which development consent is required and the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project regime is applicable. The developer will as a result be required to apply for development consent where the final decision whether to give permission will be made by the relevant Secretary of State through the granting of a Development Consent Order.
East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council wrote jointly to National Grid PLC to seek coordination of the Sea Link project with the other potentially forthcoming projects.
Non-statutory consultation – October to December 2022
East Suffolk Council’s response to National Grid Ventures’ Supplementary Non-Statutory Consultation for LionLink - 8 September to 3 November 2023
National Grid Ventures (NGV) held a supplementary non-statutory consultation for the LionLink project between 8 September to 3 November 2023. The supplementary non-statutory consultation focussed on an alternative landfall site at Walberswick and cable corridor to the north of Southwold, with the feedback received being used by NGV to refine proposals, before a statutory consultation is held in 2025 - ahead of the final proposals being submitted in a Development Consent Order (DCO) application.
East Suffolk Council’s response to Lion Link’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Report – March 2024
East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council’s joint letter to National Grid Ventures regarding adequacy of consultation - 21 May 2024
National Grid Ventures’ response the Councils’ joint letter - 30 May 2024
East Suffolk Council – Councillor Tom Daly | Aldeburgh & Leiston Ward and Cabinet Member for Energy & Climate Change - Lionlink Statement - 25 June 2024
More information about LionLink project (formerly EuroLink) from the developer’s website