Sizewell C Development Consent Order (DCO) certified Control Documents and Management Plans
These documents are approved under the DCO however, some may only have been in a draft state at the end of the examination period. Please check back here for the most up to date versions of the documents.
The aim of this CoCP is to provide a clear and consistent approach to the control of Sizewell C construction activities on the main development site and the associated development sites, to minimise impacts on people and the environment.
Part A: Project Wide Controls of this CoCP sets out how construction activities must be managed and controlled in order to deliver many of the mitigation commitments arising from the construction stages of the Sizewell C Project.
Part B: Main Development Site sets out the further measures relevant to the main development site.
Part C: Offsite Associated Developments sets out those measures relevant to the off-site associated developments.
This Construction Method Statement is a Level 1 document which concerns the construction phase of the Sizewell C Project. Under Requirement 8 in Schedule 2 of the draft DCO (Doc. Ref. 3.1(J)) construction works carried out as part of the authorised development must be carried out in accordance with this Construction Method Statement unless otherwise approved by East Suffolk Council.
This Draft Coastal Processes Monitoring and Mitigation Plan (CPMMP) is a Level 1 document which concerns the construction and operational phases of the Sizewell C Project. The CPMMP will be for detecting and reporting impacts of Sizewell C’s marine components and activities on coastal geomorphology receptors, both inside and outside of designated conservation sites, and monitoring and, where necessary, implementing future mitigation.
This draft Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) (Doc Ref. 8.7) accompanies SZC Co.’s application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to the Planning Inspectorate for the proposed development of Sizewell C. The final CTMP (Doc Ref. 8.7) will be appended to the Section 106 Agreement and the implementation of the approved CTMP will be secured through an obligation in that agreement as set out in the draft Section 106 Heads of Terms appended to the Planning Statement (Doc Ref. 8.4). This draft CTMP (Doc Ref 8.7) sets out SZC Co.’s proposals to manage freight traffic during the construction of the Sizewell C Project.
Requirement 14A in the draft DCO (Doc Ref. 3.1(J)) prevents clearance of vegetation within the SSSI until Fen Meadow Plans for all three sites have been submitted to and approved by the named local authority in consultation with Natural England. The Fen Meadow Plan(s) for Benhall and Halesworth must be approved by East Suffolk Council and the Fen Meadow Plan must be approved by Suffolk County Council. The Plans must be developed in general accordance with the Fen Meadow Strategy (Doc Ref. 10.16) and this Draft Fen Meadow Plan which have been prepared to define SZC Co's commitment to provide appropriate compensation measures for the loss of fen meadow habitat. This will be achieved through the creation of 4.14ha of compensatory fen meadow habitats, and the provision of a contingency fund which is secured through Schedule 11 of the DoO (Doc Ref. 10.4).
This Draft Fish Impingement and Entrainment Monitoring Plan is a Level 1 document which concerns water abstraction associated with the operational phase of the Sizewell C Project. Under Condition 50 of the Deemed Marine Licence in Schedule 20 of the draft DCO (dDCO), (Doc. Ref. 3.1(J)) prior to the commencement of water abstraction, a fish impingement and entrainment monitoring plan in general accordance with this Draft Fish Impingement and Entrainment Monitoring Plan must be submitted to and approved by the MMO.
This Draft Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocol is a Level 1 document which concerns the construction of the Beach Landing Facilities (BLF) as part of the Sizewell C Project. Under Condition 40(2) of the Deemed Marine Licence in Schedule 20 of the DCO,(Doc. Ref. 3.1(J)) prior to the commencement of impact piling associated with the BLF, a Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocol (MMMP) must be submitted to and approved by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO). The MMMP must be in general accordance with this draft MMMP.
This document sets out the draft Rail Noise Mitigation Plan (RNMP), as described in paragraphs 4.7.10 and 4.7.22 in Volume 9, Chapter 4 of the Environmental Statement (ES) (Doc Ref. 6.10) [APP-545]. It sets out the proposed measures to mitigate and minimise railway noise and vibration that might arise from running construction trains on the East Suffolk line, the Saxmundham to Leiston branch line, and the rail extension route, as part of the Sizewell C project.
This Draft Sabellaria Reef Management and Monitoring Plan is a Level 1 document which concerns the construction and operational phase of the Sizewell C Project. Under Condition 45 of the Deemed Marine Licence in Schedule 20 of the DCO (Doc Ref. 3.1(J)) prior to the commencement of the works for the two intake heads and vertical shafts for seawater extraction (Work No. 2B), a Sabellaria reef management and monitoring plan in general accordance with this Draft Sabellaria Reef Management and Monitoring Plan must be submitted to and approved by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) in consultation with Natural England (NE). The Sabellaria reef management and monitoring plan must be implemented as approved.
This Draft Site Integrity Plan (SIP) is a Level 1 document which concerns the construction of the Marine Bulk Import Facility (MBIF) and Beach Landing Facility (BLF) as part of the Sizewell C Project. Under Condition 40(2)(c) of the Deemed Marine Licence in Schedule 20 of the draft DCO (Doc Ref. 3.1(J)), prior to the commencement of impact piling associated with the BLFs, the final SIP must be submitted to and approved by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) no later than six months prior to the commencement of impact piling activities and that the SIP must be approved by the MMO in writing before impact piling commences. This condition, therefore, aligns with Natural England’s advice.
This Draft Water Monitoring and Management Plan (WMMP) is a Level 1 document. Requirement 7 of the draft DCO requires a water monitoring and management plan (a Level 2 document) to be agreed with East Suffolk Council, following consultation with the Environment Agency, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), the relevant Statutory Nature Conservation Body, the East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board and the Local Lead Flood Authority. The water monitoring and management plan must be developed in general accordance with the Main Development Site Water Monitoring and Response Strategy (Doc. Ref. 10.20) and this draft plan. The WMMP will provide a framework for monitoring and managing the water environment at the main development site in general accordance with the Main Development Site Water Monitoring and Response Strategy (Doc Ref. 10.20).
This plan is a Level 1 document. Pursuant to Requirement 14B of the dDCO, prior to any vegetation clearance within the Sizewell Marshes SSSI, a Wet Woodland Plan (a Level 2 document) will be submitted for approval by East Suffolk Council, in consultation with the relevant Statutory Conservation Body and such plan must be in general accordance with the Wet Woodland Strategy (Doc Ref. 10.31) and this draft plan. The Wet Woodland Plan (Doc. Ref. 9.108(A)) will define the management interventions required to create wet woodland habitats on the Benhall and Pakenham sites. The measures will include monitoring and any remedial interventions that may be required to ensure the successful delivery of wet woodland of SSSI quality at relevant sites. The Wet Woodland Plan will include local groundworks to provide a range of topographic levels, and both fallen and standing deadwood would be provided to represent the variety of niches available to the invertebrate communities in the woodlands at Sizewell Marshes SSSI. It will be submitted to East Suffolk Council for approval in consultation with the relevant Statutory Nature Conservation Body pursuant to the DCO Requirement 14B.
This strategy is a Level 1 document. Requirement 5 of the draft Development Consent Order (dDCO) (Doc. Ref. 3.1(J)) requires that no part of the development (with limited exceptions) may be commenced until details of the surface and foul water drainage system for that part (including projected volume and flow rates, management and maintenance arrangements, means of pollution control, sewage treatment works and a programme of construction and implementation) have been submitted to and approved by East Suffolk Council, following consultation with the Environment Agency, Natural England, the East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board, the Lead Local Flood Authority, the sewerage undertaker and the drainage authority. The purpose of this document is to inform the detailed design proposals for surface and foul water drainage.
Links to SZC Co. Portal below:
This EWMP is a Level 1 document and must be complied with through the management of the Estate unless otherwise approved by East Suffolk Council (ESC). This is secured by Requirement 5C of the draft DCO. Any updates to this document must be approved by ESC in accordance with the procedure set out in Schedule 23 of the draft DCO. The purpose of this EWMP is to provide an overarching framework of how the Estate will be managed to deliver the landscape vision set out within the Sizewell C DCO Application. The implementation of, and compliance with, the EWMP by SZC Co. is secured pursuant to Requirement 5C of the DCO.
This document has been prepared to define SZC Co’s commitment to provide appropriate compensation measures to mitigate the loss of fen meadow habitat through the creation of compensatory fen meadow habitats, and the provision of a contingency fund. SZC Co. has also prepared the Draft Fen Meadow Plan (Doc Ref. 10.6). The document addresses the compensatory habitats required for the permanent loss of fen meadow habitats from the Sizewell Marshes SSSI, associated with the construction of the Sizewell C nuclear power station. This impact is assessed in Volume 2, Chapter 14 of the ES [AS-033].
The purpose of this Lighting Management Plan (LMP) is to set out the operation and maintenance procedures for the control of artificial light emissions associated with the construction and operation of Sizewell C power station, to enable safe working whilst addressing planning and environmental considerations, and ensure that the external lighting provided on the construction and operational sites of Sizewell C power station provides safe lighting for the staff on-site and is functional to allow the safe construction and operation, but is also both energy efficient and designed as far as reasonably practicable to minimise its impact on the surrounding environment. It should be noted that internal lighting of buildings does not form part of this document.
This Design and Access Statement controls delivery of the project. The specific parts of this document that control the project are the design principles contained within Tables 5.2, 5.3 and A.1. Chapter 5 contains design principles for permanent development, which are split into two categories:
Overarching Design Principles: detailed designs submitted and approved in this application have been informed by the overarching design principles. Alternative designs, or where details have not yet been submitted to the local planning authority for approval, will be informed by the overarching design principles, but they do not control the project.
Detailed Design Principles: detailed designs submitted and approved in this application must be carried out in accordance with these design principles. Alternative designs, or where details have not yet been submitted to the local planning authority for approval, must be in general accordance with these design principles. The detailed design principles are set out in Tables 5.2 and 5.3.
Appendix A contains design details of the temporary Accommodation Campus. The development will be carried out in general accordance with the Design Principles set out in Table A.1 of Appendix A. Development is also controlled by parameter plans and associated parameter tables that are contained in other documents submitted as part of this application. Further details are set out in Section 1.3.
Details are provided below:
This strategy is a Level 1 document. Requirement 7 of the dDCO (Doc Ref. 3.1(J)) requires that neither Work No. 1A (as defined in the dDCO) nor any part or defined area of land within Work No. 1A as may be agreed with East Suffolk Council, may be commenced, including dewatering, until a water monitoring plan for Work 1A or for any part or defined area of land as agreed with East Suffolk Council has been submitted to and approved by East Suffolk Council, following consultation with the Environment Agency, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), the relevant Statutory Nature Conservation Body, the East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board and the Local Lead Flood Authority.
Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) is an interest feature of the Minsmere -Walberswick Special Protection Area (SPA) during the breeding season. This species is also included as part of the important assemblage of rare breeding birds on the Minsmere – Walberswick Ramsar site. The harriers breed exclusively in reedbed habitat located to the north of the New Cut but they are known to forage widely for food over the Minsmere South Levels and also the Estate, including Sizewell Marshes Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The commitments relating to the management of the Estate are set out in the Estate Wide Management Plan (Doc Ref. 10.15) secured by Requirement 5C of the draft DCO (dDCO) (Doc Ref. 3.1(J)).
This oLEMP is a Level 1 document. A landscape and ecology management plan in general accordance with this oLEMP must be submitted to and approved by East Suffolk Council within 6 months of Unit 1 or Unit 2, whichever is earlier, commencing operation under Requirement 14 of the DCO. The landscape and ecology restoration works must be carried out in accordance with the approved landscape and ecology management plan. Any updates to this document must be approved by the East Suffolk Council in accordance with the procedure set out in Schedule 23 of the DCO.
This Outline Vessel Management Plan (OVMP) is a Level 1 document which concerns the construction and operational phases of the Sizewell C Project. Condition 31A of the Deemed Marine Licence in Schedule 20 of the dDCO (Doc. Ref. 3.1(I)) requires a vessel management plan in general accordance with this OVMP to be approved by the MMO in the event that SZC Co. requires vessels to traverse the Outer Thames Estuary Special Protection Area (SPA) during the winter months. “Winter months” is means the period between 1 November and 31 March inclusive.
This document sets out the archaeological response to the disturbance of remains resulting from work carried out at the Sizewell C main development site, and associated development sites. This will be collectively referenced as the Sizewell C Project. It is intended to provide an introduction to the overall scheme, archaeological background, and regional research agenda, as well as setting out the overarching procedures and standards for archaeological works
This document sets out a strategy for undertaking geoarchaeological investigations of the peat deposits and mitigating the loss of any archaeological remains if present.
This Rights of Way and Access Strategy (Doc Ref. 10.26) is a Level 1 document. A series of public rights of way implementation plans, in general accordance with this Rights of Way and Access Strategy, must be submitted to and approved by Suffolk County Council before development of any new or diverted public rights of way on the main development site can be carried out under Requirement 6A of the dDCO.
This Sizewell link road LEMP provides clear objectives and general principles for the establishment and longer-term management of the landscape, and ecological mitigation identified for the area within the Sizewell link road site following construction of the Sizewell link road.
This Terrestrial Ecology Monitoring and Mitigation Plan (the ‘plan’) has been developed following the completion of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the Shadow Habitat Regulation Assessment (sHRA) for the Sizewell C Project. The plan defines the terrestrial ecological monitoring and associated mitigation that will be deployed to monitor and respond to associated impacts on sites, habitats and species that might be impacted by the Sizewell C Project as a whole
This two-village bypass LEMP (Doc Ref. 10.29) provides clear objectives and principles for the establishment and longer-term management, of the landscape, and ecological mitigation identified for the soft estate within the two village bypass site (hereafter referred to as the ‘site’), following construction of the two village bypass.
Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) is an interest feature of the Minsmere - Walberswick Special Protection Area (SPA) during the breeding season. The harriers breed exclusively in reedbed habitat located to the north of the New Cut but they are known to forage widely for food over the Minsmere South Level and also the Estate, including Sizewell Marshes Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The commitments relating to the management of the Estate for marsh harriers are set out in the Estate Wide Management Plan (Doc Ref. 10.15) secured by Requirement 5C.
This strategy is a Level 1 document. Pursuant to Requirement 14B of the dDCO, prior to any vegetation clearance within the Sizewell Marshes SSSI, a Wet Woodland Plan (a Level 2 document) will be submitted for approval by East Suffolk Council, in consultation with the relevant Statutory Conservation Body and such plan must be in general accordance with this draft strategy and the draft Wet Woodland Plan (Doc Ref. 10.13)).