Requirement discharge information and applications
Requirement Discharge Application Process
The consultation process for discharge of requirement applications relevant to the Sizewell C Development Consent Order (DCO) process differs to that for planning applications submitted under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
ESC carries out the discharge of requirement process in accordance with what is set out in the DCO, including consulting in accordance with each specific requirement. This does not require town or parish councils or adjacent/neighbouring landowners to be formally consulted, this is in the same way that the discharge of condition process under a planning application does not.
ESC is required to consult Suffolk County Council (SCC) on all discharge of requirement applications, set out in overarching Schedule 24(1)(4) of the DCO. This also applies to SCC; SCC must consult ESC on discharge of requirement applications where SCC is the discharging authority.
ESC receives and validates applications for discharge of requirement applications from SZC Co. which are then made available for the public to view on Public Access by searching for the reference number (discharge of requirement applications will end in /DRR). All submission documents under requirements will be publicly available except where privacy reasons or confidentiality limits this. The DCO does not require site notices or other publication of specific discharge of requirement applications.
Town and parish councils or any other interested person/group can make representations on discharge of requirement applications if they choose, though they will not receive a formal consultation from ESC. This can be done through Public Access or by emailing our planning team. We encourage all interested parties to use the Public Access system to set up automatic notifications for the Sizewell C project, which can be specifically tailored for certain key words, search terms, or geographical area. This will ensure you are notified when an application is received, determined, or the status changes.
Details of Discharge of Requirement Applications (DRRs)
The following list provides details for Development Consent Order (DCO) Requirement Discharge applications received to date for the Sizewell C project (also includes details where ESC is not the discharging authority):
DCO Requirement 1 - Project wide: Time limits
- The authorised development must commence within 5 years of the date on which this order is made. Status = N/A
DCO Requirement 2 - Project wide: Code of Construction Practice
- DC/23/0722/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice - Dust Management Plan and Soil Management Plan for the pre-commencement site establishment early access road) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (4 April 2023)
- DC/22/5002/DRR - Partial discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice - Dust Management Plan for tree felling and vegetation clearance, Soil Management Plan for tree felling and vegetation clearance) Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (27 January 2023)
- DC/22/4875/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice MDS Noise Monitoring and Management Plan for pre commencement works, Archaeological Mitigation Dust Management Plan, Archaeological Mitigation Works Soil Management Plan) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (27 January 2023)
- DC/23/2135/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice - Benhall Fen Meadow: Soil Management Plan and Dust Management Plan) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (3 July 2023)
- DC/23/2273/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order, Benhall Creation of Fen Meadow - Noise Mitigation and Management Plan. Status = Permitted (3 July 2023)
- DC/23/2730/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice - Dust Management Plan and Soil Management Plan for Advanced Works Office/Welfare at Land East of Eastlands Industrial Estate, Noise Mitigation and Management Plan for Main Development Site) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (13 September 2023)
- DC/23/2772/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice - Phase 2 Tree Felling and Vegetation Clearance (Main Development Site) Soil Management Plan and Dust Management Plan) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (30 August 2023)
- DC/23/3361/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice -Dust Management Plan for site establishment early access road, Soil Management Plan for site establishment early access road) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (04 December 2023)
- DC/23/4085/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice - Site Waste Management Plan) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (08 December 2023)
- DC/23/4057/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice - Site Wide Material Management Plan) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (04 December 2023)
- DC/24/0223/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice – Noise Monitoring and Management Plan for the Northern Park and Ride and Freight Management Facility) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (22 March 2024)
- DC/24/0224/DRR42 - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice – Main Development Site Dust Monitoring and Management Plan) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (09 April 2024)
- DC/23/4818/DRR42 - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice – Soil Management Plan, Northern Park and Ride, Southern Park and Ride, Freight Management Facilities) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (22 April 2024)
- DC/24/0244/DRR42 - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice - Noise Monitoring and Management Plan for the Southern Park and Ride) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (21 March 2024)
- DC/24/0286/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice - Noise Monitoring and Management Plan - Two Village Bypass and Sizewell Link Road) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (22 March 2024)
- DC/24/0275/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice - project Wide Soil Management Plan) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (21 March 2024)
- DC/24/0278/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice - Dust Monitoring and Management Plan for the Associated Development and Fen Meadow Sites) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (16 April 2024)
- DC/24/0362/DRR42 – Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice – Noise Monitoring and Management Plan for Yoxford Roundabout and other Highway Improvements, and the Fen Meadow Sites) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (27 March 2024)
- DC/24/0363/DRR42 – Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice – Noise Monitoring and Management Plan for the Main Development Site) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (21 March 2024)
- DC/24/0790/DRR – Discharge of Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice – Noise Monitoring and Management Plan for the Rail Site) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (10 April 2024)
DCO Requirement 3 - Project wide: Archaeology and Peat
- DC/23/1622/CCC - County Council Consultation - SCC/0030/23 - Discharge of Requirement 3 Sizewell C- Project Wide: Archaeology and Peat. (1) No part of any terrestrial works, may be carried out until a site-specific written scheme of investigation for each phase of archaeological investigation relating to that part has, following consultation with Historic England, been submitted to and approved by Suffolk County Council. Site-specific written schemes of investigation must be in accordance with the Overarching Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation. Status = Informative (13 June 2023)
- DC/24/1753/CCC – County Council Consultation - SCC/0049/24/DOR – Discharge of Requirement 3 – Archaeology and Peat in respect of Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station – Two Villages Bypass Proposed Sizewell C Suffolk. Status = Approved (30 May 2024)
- DC/24/2561/CCC - County Council Consultation - Discharge of requirement 3 (3) (Project wide archaeology and peat (SSSI Crossing)) in respect of SZC Co. Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station -Sizewell C And Associated Development Sites. Status = No Objections (25 July 2024)
- DC/24/2891/CCC – County Council Consultation - SCC/0086/24/DoR – Discharge of requirement 3 (1) (Project wide archaeology and peat (Pakenham Fen Meadow)) in respect of SZC Co. Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station. Status = No Objections (3 September 2024)
DCO Requirement 4 - Project wide: Terrestrial ecology monitoring and mitigation plan
DCO Requirement 5 - Project wide: Surface and foul water drainage
- DC/23/4106/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 5 (Project Wide: Surface and Foul Water Drainage) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (18 December 2023)
- DC/23/4480/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 5 (Project Wide: Surface and Foul Water Drainage – Site Establishment Early Access Road (East)) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (09 February 2024).
- DC/24/0789/DRR – Discharge of Requirement 5 (Project Wide: Surface and Foul Water Drainage – Partial discharge for Earthworks Phase 1) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (26 April 2024)
- DC/24/2564/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 5 (Project wide Surface and Foul Water Drainage Partial discharge for Main Development Site Earthworks Phase 2) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Sizewell C And Associated Development Sites. Status = Permitted (08 November 2024)
- DC/24/3559/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 5 (Project wide: Surface and Foul Water Drainage Partial discharge for Main Development Site Earthworks Phase 3) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Sizewell C And Associated Development Sites Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = Permitted (19 December 2024)
- DC/24/4242/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 5 (Project wide: Surface and Foul Water Drainage) Partial discharge for Earthworks Phase 4, MCA (Zones 1 & 2), TCA (Temporary Offices - HAZ 14) and WMZ1 of Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Proposed Sizewell C Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = Awaiting decision
- DC/24/4457/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 5 (Project wide: Surface and Foul Water Drainage) Partial discharge for Earthworks Phase 5, Compound on Buckleswood Road (Zone 14) and Satellite Compounds of Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Proposed Sizewell C Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = Awaiting decision
DCO Requirement 6 - Project wide: Emergency planning
- DC/23/2663/CCC - County Council Consultation - SCC/0051/23SC/DOR - Sizewell C Development Consent Order Discharge of Requirement 6 - Emergency Plan. Status = Approved (29 August 2023)
DCO Requirement 7 - Project wide: Navigation lighting
DCO Requirement 8 - Project wide: Estate Wide Management Plan
- DC/22/4978/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 8 (Estate Wide Management Plan) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (25 January 2023)
DCO Requirement 9 - Main development site: Site clearance
- DC/23/1189/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 9 (Main Development Site: Clearance) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (19 April 2023)
- DC/23/4184/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 9 (Main Development Site: Site Clearance) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (04 December 2023)
- DC/24/2560/DRR42 - Discharge of Requirement 9 (Main Development Site: Clearance) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Sizewell C And Associated Development Sites. Status = Permitted (01 October 2024)
DCO Requirement 10 - Project wide: Public rights of way
- DC/24/1680/CCC – County Council Consultation - SCC/0045/24/DOR – Discharge of Requirement 10 – Public rights of way in respect of Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station. Status = Approved (24 May 2024)
- DC/24/4361/CCC - County Council Consultation - SCC/0116/24/DoR - Consultation for Discharge of Requirement 10 Project Wide Public Rights of Ways (Green Rail Route) in respect of SZC Co. Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station - Proposed Sizewell C Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = Approved (12 December 2024)
DCO Requirement 11 - Main development site: Water Monitoring and Management Plan
- DC/23/4068/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 11 (Main Development Site: Water Monitoring and Management Plan) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (18 December 2023)
- DC/23/4409/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 11 (Main Development Site: Water Monitoring and Management Plan – Site Establishment Early Access Road (East)) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (09 February 2024).
- DC/24/0471/DRR – Discharge of Requirement 11 (Main Development Site: Water Monitoring and Management Plan) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (09 April 2024)
DCO Requirement 12 - Main development site: Coastal Processes Monitoring and Mitigation (Terrestrial) Plan
- DC/23/2660/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 12 (Main Development Site (MDS)) Coastal Processes Monitoring and Mitigation (Terrestrial) Plan (CPMMP) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted
- DC/23/2673/CON - Consultation - Marine Management Organisation (MMO) Consultation - Sizewell C - Discharge of Condition 14 of the Deemed Marine Licence - Coastal Processes Monitoring and Mitigation Plan (CPMMP). Status = Awaiting Decision
- DC/24/3424/CON - Consultation - Review and potential discharge relating to Condition 17(1) of the Deemed Marine Licence (DML) DCO/2013/00021. As per Condition 17(1), No licensed activity must commence until a FLCP has been submitted to and approved by the MMO in writing - Proposed Sizewell C Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = No objections (11 October 2024)
DCO Requirement 13 - Main development site: Temporary construction-related development
DCO Requirement 14 - Main development site: Construction lighting
DCO Requirement 15 - Main development site: Outage car park
DCO Requirement 16 - Main development site: Approved buildings, structures and plant
DCO Requirement 17 - Main development site: Reserved matters
DCO Requirement 18 - Sports Facilities: Reserved matters
DCO Requirement 19 - Main development site: Marine infrastructure
- DC/23/4124/DRR – Discharge of Requirement 19 (Main Development Site (MDS)) Marine Infrastructure. Status = Permitted
DCO Requirement 20 - Main development site: SSSI Crossing
- DC/24/3010/DRR – Discharge of Requirement 20 (Main Development Site: SSSI Crossing) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (22 October 2024)
DCO Requirement 21 - Main development site: Sizewell Marshes SSSI Method Statements
- DC/24/0285/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 21 (Main Development Site: Sizewell Marshes SSSI Method Statement) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (28 February 2024)
- DC/24/3009/DRR – Partial Discharge of Requirement 21 (Main Development Site: Sizewell Marshes SSSI Crossing Method Statement) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (18 October 2024)
DCO Requirement 22 - Main development site: Ancillary structures, other buildings and plant
DCO Requirement 23 - Main development site: Highway works
- DC/23/4234/CCC - Consultation by County Council on SCC/0101/23/DOR: Discharge of Requirement 23 (Main Development Site: Highway Works) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Approved (18 December 2023)
- DC/24/2394/CCC - County Council Consultation - SCC/0058/24/DOR - Discharge of Requirement 23 Main Development Site: Highway Works (King George's Avenue) in respect of SZC Co. Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station. Status = No Objections (17 July 2024)
DCO Requirement 24 - Main development site: Landscape works
- DC/23/4148/DRR - Discharge of SZC DCO Requirement 24 - Main Development Site: Landscape Works. This is a partial discharge and relates to Part (1) of the Requirement relating to Advanced Landscaping. Status = Permitted (14 December 2023)
DCO Requirement 25 - Main development site: Fen meadow
- DC/22/4865/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 25 (Fen Meadow) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (1 February 2023)
DCO Requirement 26 - Main development site: Wet woodland
- DC/22/4863/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 26 (Wet Woodland) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (25 January 2023)
DCO Requirement 27 - Main development site: Marsh harrier
- DC/23/4016/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 27 (Main Development Site: Marsh harrier) Implementation Plan of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (21 December 2023)
DCO Requirement 28 - Main development site: Permanent operational lighting
DCO Requirement 29 - Main development site: Removal and reinstatement
DCO Requirement 30 - Accommodation campus: Buildings and structures
DCO Requirement 31 - Rail infrastructure
DCO Requirement 32 - Associated development sites: Site clearance
- DC/24/1912/DRR42 – Discharge of Requirement 32 (Associated Development Sites: Site Clearance) Southern Park and Ride Site of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (2 July 2024)
- DC/24/1934/DRR42 – Discharge of Requirement 32 (Associated Development Sites: Site Clearance) Yoxford Roundabout of Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (2 July 2024)
- DC/24/4155/DRR42 - Discharge of Requirement 32 (Associated Development Sites: Site Clearance) Southern Park and Ride Site of Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Sizewell C And Associated Development Sites Southern Park And Ride Wickham Market Suffolk. Status = Permitted (18 December 2024)
DCO Requirement 33 - Associated development sites: Buildings, structures and landscape
- DC/24/4422/DRR42 - Discharge of Requirement 33 (Associated development sites: Buildings, structures and landscape) Partial discharge for Northern Park and Ride of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Sizewell C And Associated Development Sites Main Road Darsham Suffolk. Status = Awaiting decision
DCO Requirement 34 - Highway access
DCO Requirement 35 - Highway works
- DC/24/1852/CCC – County Council Consultation - SCC/0053/24/DOR – Discharge of Requirement 35(6) – Highway Works – B1122 Vibration Scheme in respect of Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station – Sizewell C and Associated Development Sites. Status = No Objections (06 June 2024)
- DC/24/3972/CCC - County Council Consultation - Discharge of Requirement 35 (Highway Work) for (14) Yoxford Roundabout in respect of Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station (SCC/0110/24/DoR) - Proposed Sizewell C Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = No Objections (27 November 2024)
DCO Requirement 36 - Associated developments: Highway landscape works
- DC/24/3675/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 36 Associated Developments: Highway Landscape Works Yoxford Roundabout of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Sizewell C And Associated Development Sites Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = Permitted (16 December 2024)
DCO Requirement 37 - Associated developments: Landscape planting
DCO Requirement 38 - Associated development sites: Removal and reinstatement
DCO Requirement 39 - Rail noise
- DC/24/4508/DRR - Discharge of Requirement 39 (Rail Noise Mitigation Plan) of Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Rail Noise Mitigation Plan East Suffolk Line Little Bealings To Sizewell Suffolk. Status = Awaiting decision
DCO Requirement 40 - Operational noise
Bespoke Mitigation Plans (BMPs)
- The Sizewell C Code of Construction Practice secured by Requirement 2 of the Development Consent Order secures construction works being undertaken in accordance with all relevant legislative controls, construction health, safety, and environmental standards, and other relevant best practice methods. The aim of the Code of Construction Practice is to provide a clear and consistent approach to the control of Sizewell C construction activities on the Main Development Site to maintain satisfactory levels of environmental protection and take all reasonable steps to mitigate and minimise disturbance from construction activities.
- In addition to the controls set out in the Code of Construction Practice, a site specific Noise Monitoring and Management Plan must be prepared to detail the monitoring and management arrangements for noise for each site. Noise Monitoring and Management Plans in general accordance with the principles set out in the Draft Noise Monitoring and Management Plan (Appendix A to Part C of this CoCP) must be submitted to and approved by ESC.
- The Noise Monitoring and Management Plans provide a mechanism for the submission and agreement of Bespoke Mitigation Plans. Where, despite the use of best practicable means (as defined by Section 72 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974), it is anticipated that the construction works will exceed the anticipated noise levels set out in each Noise Monitoring and Management Plan, or the vibration thresholds stated therein, a Bespoke Mitigation Plan will be submitted to ESC for approval.
- Details of works likely to require a Bespoke Mitigation Plan and a draft of the plan will be provided to ESC at least 28 days prior to the start of the works, to include predicted noise or vibration levels at the closest sensitive receptors, proposed mitigation, and a scheme for notifying local residents. The purpose will be to agree measures to reduce noise as far as reasonably practical for particularly noisy activities. If appropriate, the Bespoke Mitigation Plan can include revised noise thresholds.
- DC/24/1066/DRR28 - Bespoke Mitigation Plan for the Main Development Site (including LEEIE) Earthworks, secured by the Noise Monitoring and Management Plan under Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (15 April 2024)
- DC/23/3432/DRR28 – Bespoke Mitigation Plan for Benhall Fen Meadow works, secured by the Noise Monitoring and Management Plan under Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (04 September 2023)
- DC/23/3441/DRR28 – Bespoke Mitigation Plan for the Land East of Eastlands Industrial Estate (LEEIE) Advanced Works, secured by the Noise Monitoring and Management Plan under Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (26 September 2023)
- DC/24/2151/DRR28 - Bespoke Mitigation Plan (Noise and Vibration) for the Land East of Eastlands Industrial Estate (LEEIE) works, secured by the Noise Monitoring and Management Plan under Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Sizewell C And Associated Development Sites Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = Permitted (04 July 2024)
- DC/24/3132/DRR28 – Bespoke Mitigation Plan (Noise and Vibration) for the Land East of Eastlands Industrial Estate (LEEIE) works, secured by the Noise and Management Plan under Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order – Proposed Sizewell C Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = Permitted
- DC/24/3483/DRR28 - Bespoke Mitigation Plan for Early Site Access works for Main Development Site and Associated Development Sites, secured by the Noise Monitoring and Management Plan under Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order. Status = Permitted (23 October 2024)
- DC/24/4167/DRR28 - Bespoke Mitigation Plan for Branch Line Resilience Works (Associated Development Sites), secured by the Noise Monitoring and Management Plan under Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Saxmundham To Leiston Branch Line Proposed Sizewell C Leiston Suffolk. Status = Permitted (5 December 2024)
- DC/24/4458/DRR28 - Bespoke Mitigation Plan (Noise and Vibration) for Branch Line Devegetation Works (Associated Development Sites, AD BMP 3), secured by the Noise Monitoring and Management Plan under Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order - Proposed Sizewell C Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = Awaiting decision
Other planning applications
The following list provides details for other planning applications received to date associated with the Sizewell C project:
- DC/22/0078/FUL – Planning application seeking full planning permission for the geotechnical trials for the enabling works of the proposed Sizewell C power station. These works comprise (i) up to 16 ground anchor trials, in 5 locations up to 0.95 ha with a further 0.09 ha for welfare compound, 1.04 ha in total (of which 0.54 ha is above ground) and (ii) deep soil mixing trial area comprising a total area of 0.52 ha, together with welfare and compound areas to support the works and access. Status = Permitted (27 July 2022)
- DC/22/1965/FUL – Creation of two artificial badger setts in Kenton Hills - badger setts, Kenton Hills. Status = Permitted (6 July 2022)
- DC/23/2794/FUL - Change of Use of Nos 5 and 6 Ash Wood Cottages from residential (Use Class C3) to office use (Use Class E) for a temporary period of 3 years and in connection with the construction of the Sizewell C nuclear power station | 5 & 6 Ashwood Cottages Eastbridge Road Leiston Suffolk. Status = Permitted (04 December 2023)
- DC/22/2273/FUL – Creation of wetland habitat for wildlife on land in the vicinity of lower abbey farm within the EDF Sizewell Estate. The habitat will comprise reedbed, open water and ditches surrounded by tussocky grassland. Part of the reedbed will be managed to create wet woodland through natural succession. Status = Permitted (1 September 2022)
- DC/22/4608/FUL – To construct a single storey facility containing a meeting room, office space and maintenance workshop with associated parking. Status = Permitted (20 January 2023)
- DC/23/0756/FUL – Development of a temporary "Water Sourcing Facility" for Sizewell C comprising a pipeline connection to a mains water supply, three water tanks and pumping infrastructure, HGV and car parking, mobile welfare building and security kiosk, site access and internal road layout construction compound, landscaping. Drainage infrastructure and security features (fencing, CCTV, lighting, gates and barriers). Status = Awaiting decision
- DC/23/4854/LBC - Listed Building Consent - Refurbishment of building known as the Hay Barn and inspection, recording and subsequent partial or total demolition of the Cart Lodge adjacent to the Hay Barn. Status = Awaiting decision.
- DC/23/4840/FUL - Hybrid application seeking planning permission for the extension of the Wild Aldhurst car park from 5 to 20 spaces together with drainage and lighting provision. Works to construct a bird hide and a bird screen together with improvement to existing and creation of new footpaths together with landscaping. Outline planning permission for the construction of a visitor centre with external appearance the only reserved matter. Status = Awaiting decision.
- DC/23/4264/ADI - Illuminated consent - 2 x Entrance Monoliths "Sizewell C" and 2 x Sizewell C branded banners on flagpoles at the bottom of the new access road within the site. Status = Permitted (8 December 2023)
- DC/23/4335/ADN – Non-Illuminated Advertisement Consent – Install 2 x post and panel signs. Status = Permitted (7 December 2023)
- DC/24/0234/ADN – Non-Illuminated Advertisement Consent – 2 x Entrance Post and Panel signs for “Wild Aldhurst” on posts either side of car park access. Status = Awaiting decision
- DC/24/1978/DRC – Discharge of Condition No. 4 of DC/22/0078/FUL - Planning application seeking full planning permission for the geotechnical trials for the enabling works of the proposed Sizewell C power station. These works comprise (i) up to 16 ground anchor trials, in 5 locations up to 0.95 ha with a further 0.09 ha for welfare compound, 1.04 ha in total (of which 0.54 ha is above ground) and (ii) deep soil mixing trial area comprising a total area of 0.52 ha, together with welfare and compound areas to support the works and access - Geotechnical Trials. - Sizewell C Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = Permitted (12 September 2024)
- DC/24/2201/FUL - Detailed planning application for the construction of a 115m Section of the proposed construction electricity supply cable (132kV) route from National Grid's Leiston substation to the proposed location of the construction electricity supply primary substation adjacent to the Leiston Substation, Leiston. Application linked to Sizewell C project. Status = Permitted (12 December 2024)
- DC/24/1191/FUL - Detailed planning application for the removal of existing structures, widening of the existing single lane level crossing to two lanes, with the installation of upgraded crossing facilities, signage, fencing, a relocatable equipment building and other associated works. Application linked to Sizewell C project. Status = Permitted (15 October 2024)
- DC/24/1222/ARM - Approved of Reserved Matters (Layout, Appearance, Scale and Access) relating to Condition 2 of DC/20/4646/FUL - Hybrid application seeking outline planning permission, with all matters reserved, for up to 9,500 square metres Gross External Area (GEA) to provide administration, storage, welfare and canteen facilities and a visitor centre of up to 1,000 square metres GEA. Detailed planning permission is sought for demolition of some existing structures and redevelopment to include a training centre and interim visitor centre, an outage store, lay down area, car and cycle parking, landscaping, associated infrastructure (including utilities, plant and highway works), tree felling and other relevant works - proposed visitor centre. Status = Permitted (11 October 2024)
- DC/24/3505/ARM - Approval of Reserved Matters (Landscape) relating to Condition 2 of DC/20/4646/FUL - Hybrid application seeking outline planning permission, with all matters reserved, for up to 9,500 square metres Gross External Area (GEA) to provide administration, storage, welfare and canteen facilities and a visitor centre of up to 1,000 square metres GEA. Detailed planning permission is sought for demolition of some existing structures and redevelopment to include a training centre and interim visitor centre, an outage store, lay down area, car and cycle parking, landscaping, associated infrastructure (including utilities, plant and highway works), tree felling and other relevant works - proposed visitor centre. Status = Awaiting decision
- DC/24/1221/DRC - Discharge of Condition No. 5 of DC/20/4646/FUL - Hybrid application seeking outline planning permission, with all matters reserved, for up to 9,500 square metres Gross External Area (GEA) to provide administration, storage, welfare and canteen facilities and a visitor centre of up to 1,000 square metres GEA. Detailed planning permission is sought for demolition of some existing structures and redevelopment to include a training centre and interim visitor centre, an outage store, lay down area, car and cycle parking, landscaping, associated infrastructure (including utilities, plant and highway works), tree felling and other relevant works - details of Visitor Centre building - Sizewell B Sizewell Power Station Complex And Adjoining Land Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk IP16 4UR. Status = Permitted (10 October 2024)
- DC/24/3658/DRC - Discharge of Condition No. 6 of DC/20/4646/FUL - Hybrid application seeking outline planning permission, with all matters reserved, for up to 9,500 square metres Gross External Area (GEA) to provide administration, storage, welfare and canteen facilities and a visitor centre of up to 1,000 square metres GEA. Detailed planning permission is sought for demolition of some existing structures and redevelopment to include a training centre and interim visitor centre, an outage store, lay down area, car and cycle parking, landscaping, associated infrastructure (including utilities, plant and highway works), tree felling and other relevant works - Detailed Lighting Plan - Sizewell B Sizewell Power Station Complex And Adjoining Land Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk IP16 4UR. Status = Permitted (16 October 2024)
- DC/24/3508/DRC - Discharge of condition No 12 of DC/20/4646/FUL - Hybrid application seeking outline planning permission, with all matters reserved, for up to 9,500 square metres Gross External Area (GEA) to provide administration, storage, welfare and canteen facilities and a visitor centre of up to 1,000 square metres GEA. Detailed planning permission is sought for demolition of some existing structures and redevelopment to include a training centre and interim visitor centre, an outage store, lay down area, car and cycle parking, landscaping, associated infrastructure (including utilities, plant and highway works), tree felling and other relevant works - Sizewell B Sizewell Power Station Complex And Adjoining Land Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk IP16 4UR. Status = Permitted (5 November 2024)
- DC/24/4158/FUL - Excavation to create five ponds within a basin and creation of an earth bund in connection with natterjack toad habitat enhancement - Sizewell C And Associated Development Sites Sizewell Leiston Suffolk. Status = Awaiting decision
- DC/24/4438/DRC - Discharge of Condition No's 8 and 9 of DC/24/2201/FUL - Detailed planning application for the construction of a 115m Section of the proposed construction electricity supply cable (132kV) route from National Grid's Leiston substation to the proposed location of the construction electricity supply primary substation adjacent to the Leiston Substation, Leiston. Application linked to Sizewell C project - Biodiversity Gain Plan, Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan. Status = Permitted (7 January 2025)
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