On 8 January 2015 the District Council formally accepted the recommendations of the independent examiner for the Rendlesham Neighbourhood Plan. This decision enabled a neighbourhood planning referendum to take place.
The referendum was held on 5 March 2015. The question asked in the referendum was:
"Do you want the District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Rendlesham to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"
The referendum area and the area covered by the neighbourhood plan was the parish of Rendlesham.
A person was entitled to vote in the referendum if on the 5 March 2015:
The referendum expenses limit that applied in relation to the referendum was £2,489.20. The number of persons entitled to vote in the referendum by reference to which the limit has been calculated was 2,156.
The referendum was conducted in accordance with procedures which are similar to those used at local government elections.
1,012 votes were cast in favour of 'Yes' and 33 in favour of 'No'. The turnout was 47%.
Following the positive referendum on 5 March 2015, East Suffolk Council, at its full council meeting on 19 March 2015, resolved to 'make' the Rendlesham Neighbourhood Plan.
This means that the Rendlesham Neighbourhood Plan has been brought into legal force, forming part of the statutory Development Plan for the district. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Rendlesham need to be made in accordance with the Rendlesham Neighbourhood Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The specified documents which were required to be made available through the referendum period are: