Ufford Parish Council has submitted their Neighbourhood Plan to East Suffolk Council ahead of it being submitted for independent examination. East Suffolk Council is publicising the plan and inviting representations between 20 November and 5pm 15 January 2025. Consultation Notice.
The Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Statement and Appropriate Assessment on the Draft Ufford Neighbourhood Plan (April 2024) was initially omitted from the list of submission documents provided on the Council's website and consultation portal on 20th November 2024 due to error. This document was added on 21st November 2024, and all consultees were notified via email.
It was not necessary to further extend the consultation as the omittance was for only one day, and the consultation was already set over an extended period of 8 weeks (to accommodate the festive period), when statutory requirements are for 6 weeks.
Consultation on the draft Ufford Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 14 Pre-Submission) ended on 3 May 2024.
The first stage in preparing the Neighbourhood Plan was to designate the 'Neighbourhood Area' – the geographical area the plan will cover.