There are 12 council-owned beach huts on the beach at Sizewell but these are in very high demand and the waiting list is very long. However, if you would like to be added to the waiting list, please contact
The site licences in Felixstowe and Sizewell operate on a two-tier fee system, plus any oversize supplements. This is determined on whether a site is front row (known as a Premier Site) or non front row (defined as a Standard Site). The definition of Premier is defined as having no other beach hut in the direct line of sign towards the sea perpendicular to the front elevation of the beach hut (please note all huts at Sizewell are classed as premier). The basic site fees and charges for 2024/2025 may be viewed on page 53 of our fees and charges
Many huts in Felixstowe are not of standard size, so please check this carefully before you make a purchase. A Standard Size hut is 2.13m wide by 2.43m deep. There is an additional fee added to the basic fee if the hut is larger than this standard size.
The following clause is included in all beach hut licences:
‘If a new or replacement hut is placed on the Site, or if repairs or alterations are made to an existing standard sized hut, the Licensee shall ensure that the Hut does not exceed the standard size’
Hut measurements are quoted on the licence and are taken from information provided by existing licence holders and our own measurements. If you feel these are not correct, please provide your name, a contact number or email, hut number and location and what you think the width and depth measurements are. An officer will check these measurements and contact you.
The Council will use a common sense approach to measuring the hut and will reserve the right to have a tolerance of +/- 2cm. The sizes will form the basis for calculating your licence fee each year. Any agreed changes to the sizes will be updated on our system and reflected in the next annual invoice. No refunds will be given for changes to hut sizes in the course of the year.
For details of the terms and conditions within the licenses for beach huts at Felixstowe and Sizewell please email
A three-year licence has been issued from the 1 April 2024 until the 31 March 2027. If a new licence is issued after the 1 April 2024, the end period will still be 31 March 2027.
An invoice for the fee is issued annually in February/March each year for payment by the 1 April.
The Council charges an administration fee of £727.65 (Including VAT) for issuing a new licence when a hut changes hands. This work reflects full recovery of the costs of the licence administration process. This fee is payable by the new owner and will be invoiced once the new licence has been raised.
There is a discounted administration fee for issuing a new licence when a beach hut is transferred to an immediate family member rather than being sold. This may also apply when a hut is bequeathed. To apply for a discount, a statement will be required to be signed by both the previous (if applicable) and new hut owners stating that the hut ownership has been transferred to an immediate family member. This is included in the new licence form.
An immediate family member in this case is classed as a spouse, civil partner, parents and grandparents, children and grand children, brothers and sisters, mother in law and father in law, brothers in law and sisters in law, daughters in law and sons in law. Adopted, half, and step members are also included. Please note that action will be taken against any licence holder found to have acted fraudulently in applying for a discounted administration fee. This may lead to a delay in issuing a licence, or licence being revoked if already granted and the hut requested to be removed from the site.