Full Council meetings are a forum where councillors can exercise their representative function and one which can underpin policy formulation and performance review.
It deals with matters such as:
In February each year it meets to approve the Council’s budget for the forthcoming financial year and sets the Council Tax. It elects the Leader of the council every four years and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman at its Annual Meeting in May.
All Councillors attend Full Council and meetings are chaired by the Chairman of the Council. Full details about the role and responsibilities of Full Council can be found in the council's constitution.
The public may ask questions at Ordinary meetings of the Council. In order to do this, questions must be provided in writing or by electronic mail to the Proper Officer, no later than midday ten working days before the day of the meeting. Each question must give the name and address of the questioner and must name the Member of the Council to whom the question is put. Further information on the scope of the questions that can be submitted can found in the Council’s Constitution. If you would like to ask a question at a Council meeting, please contact Democratic Services on 01502 523521 or email democraticservices@eastsuffolk.gov.uk.