Residents are invited to comment on a draft document which proposes additions and changes to the existing North Lowestoft Conservation Area.
Read more about "Have your say on North Lowestoft Conservation Area"...The councillors and officers of East Suffolk Council are deeply saddened at the news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family at this time.
Read more about "Her Majesty The Queen "...The Environment Act 1995 (Part IV) requires that all local authorities carry out periodic reviews of the current and likely future air quality in their area. These reviews follow Government guidance that set health-based air quality objectives for a number of key pollutants and target dates for their achievement. The main pollutants of relevance currently for East Suffolk are nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) and particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10 ).
Read more about "Air quality"...We monitor nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations in the air at a number of locations within the East Suffolk district.
Read more about "Air quality monitoring data"...Air pollution is associated with a number of adverse health impacts. Generally if you are young and in a good state of health, moderate air pollution levels are unlikely to have any serious short term effects. However, elevated levels and/or long term exposure to air pollution can lead to more serious symptoms and conditions affecting human health. This mainly affects the respiratory and inflammatory systems, but is also recognised as a contributing factor in the onset of heart disease and cancer.
Read more about "Health and air quality"...Generally, the air quality within our district is very good and key pollutant levels are within the limits set by Government for the protection of human health, with the exception of two small localised areas where the national limits set for annual mean nitrogen dioxide (NO2) have been exceeded and Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) are declared:
Read more about "Improving air quality in East Suffolk"...Page 131 of 240