The distressing scenes in Afghanistan during recent weeks reflect a terrible humanitarian crisis, which no-one could possibly ignore, and East Suffolk Council is committed to helping where it can. With this in mind, I would like to update councillors on the role we are playing, in partnership with others, to support displaced families and those fleeing persecution.
Read more about "Leader's statement on Afghan Refugee Crisis "...Food business operators have a legal responsibility to respond to food incidents, for example by withdrawing or recalling food from sale or supply. A food incident may occur when food produced by a business does not meet food safety requirements.
Read more about "Preventing and responding to food incidents"...Sous vide is French for 'under vacuum' and describes a method of cooking in vacuum sealed plastic pouches at low temperatures for long periods. It differs from conventional cooking methods as the raw food is vacuum sealed in plastic pouches and the food is cooked using precisely controlled heating methods.
Read more about "Sous vide cooking"...Lowestoft Port Health Authority extends along 17km (27 miles) of coastline and 12 miles out to sea. Our Food and Safety Team undertakes port health functions and carries out ship sanitation inspections within the confines of the port.
Read more about "Lowestoft Port"...Overview and Scrutiny Committee | 01-11-18 |
Planning Committee | 13-11-18 |
Charity Board | 14-11-18 |
Council | 14-11-18 |
Cabinet | 20-11-18 |
Good planning and organisation is essential to putting on an event that is both safe and enjoyable. For many events all that is required is to follow a basic series of stepsĀ and produce an Event Management Plan (EMP) that helps to ensure that everyone knows what they are responsible for and all necessary contingencies are in place.
Read more about "Running an event safely "...The following practices must first be registered with the council:
Read more about "Skin piercing businesses"...All notifications of work with asbestos, including removal, are now made online and notifications are sent electronically to the relevant enforcing authority. Notifications for both the Health and Safety Executive and local authorities are submitted using the same online notification system. No other notification method can be used.
Read more about "Notification of work with asbestos"...All premises where cooling towers and evaporative condensers are situated must notify their local authority. Notifiable devices consist of cooling towers and evaporative condensers, except where they contain water that is not exposed to the air and the water and electricity supply are not connected.
Read more about "Cooling tower and evaporative condenser notifications"...Page 16 of 240