As part of our ground maintenance duties, the council is responsible for 29 closed churchyards across the district.
Point of contact for the Lowestoft and District Allotment Association - Betty Jarrod - Tel: 07721 854578 - Email:
Parkrun organise free, weekly, 5km timed runs around the world that are open to everyone. They are safe and easy to take part in. These events take place in pleasant parkland surroundings and we encourage people of every ability to take part; walk, jog or run the route the only competition is you.
Read more about "Running"...East Suffolk Council has confirmed that it will engage with local communities about two major energy projects which are commencing consultations.
Today, both National Grid Ventures (NGV) and National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) have launched their consultations on the EuroLink and Sea Link projects respectively. Sea Link is a domestic interconnector between Suffolk and Kent required for network reinforcements. Eurolink is an international multi purpose interconnector between the Netherlands and Suffolk.
Both are informal and non-statutory consultations, however they will be followed next year by formal, statutory consultations. NGV and NGET are seeking comments and feedback on their potential landfall, cable route and converter station options. The consultations will last eight weeks finishing on 18 December 2022. They will include some face to face events and webinars, details of which will be published by the developers and viewable on their individual project webpages. EuroLink consultation | National Grid Group and Sea Link | National Grid ET.
East Suffolk Council’s Customer Services Centre will be temporarily relocated to Lowestoft Library whilst refurbishment work is carried out.
Read more about "Customer Services Centre to temporarily relocate "...Renovation grants are discretionary grants for the repair or improvement of private homes. To assist first time buyers in East Suffolk grants of up to £15,000 are available towards the cost of eligible works.
Read more about "Renovation grants for first time buyers"...To assist landlords in East Suffolk, grants of up to £15,000 are available towards the cost of certain eligible works which help to improve the standard of residential accommodation above the minimum statutory standard, whilst retaining a supply of affordable rented properties in the private sector.
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