The hearing session into the Draft CIL Charging Schedule took place on 19 March 2015 at the Riverside Centre, Stratford St Andrew. The Planning Inspectorate appointed Katie Child MA (Hons) MRTPI BSc to conduct the CIL examination.
Read more about "CIL examination"...Suffolk Coastal published the draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule for a 6 week period of public consultation from 6 October to 17 November 2014.
Read more about "Draft CIL charging schedule consultation"...We are committed to being open and transparent in the way we conduct decision-making. Recording is permitted at those council meetings which are open to the public, except where it is resolved that the public be excluded, as the information being discussed is confidential.
Read more about "Filming and audio recording at council meetings"...On 5 December 2014, Suffolk Coastal formally submitted documents to the Planning Inspectorate for examination under Regulation 19 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulation 2010 (as amended).
Read more about "Submission to the Planning Inspectorate"...Section 106 or s106 Agreements (also known as Planning Obligations) are made by deed under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and are similar to covenants. They allow a local planning authority to enter into a legally-binding agreement with a landowner or developer to provide something or to restrict the use of a development. They relate to a person's land, binding whoever owns it and the obligation becomes a land charge.
Read more about "Section 106 planning obligations (S106)"...Policy SCLP5.10 of the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan outlines the requirement for all residential developments with a capacity for ten or more units or sites of 0.5ha or more to make a provision for 1 in 3 units to be affordable.
Read more about "Former Suffolk Coastal area Section 106"...Page 33 of 231