An interactive online feature has been launched for the public to track progress on the implementation of the Suffolk Coastal and Waveney Local Plans.
The five-minute interactive summary has been made available as East Suffolk Council publishes the Authority Monitoring Report 2020/21 – containing a range of monitoring data covering housing, economy, retail and town centres, the historic and natural environments and many more topics.
Some key statistics from the report include:
Cllr David Ritchie, East Suffolk Council’s cabinet member for Planning and Coastal Management said:
“This annual report is the main mechanism for assessing the delivery of the Local Plans and performs an important role by highlighting performance in key areas, such as housing delivery and employment land take-up. A mass of useful supporting and background information on environmental, economic and social matters in East Suffolk is also available through easy-to-search pages on our Open Data Portal and l would encourage people to find out more about what happened in their local area or parish in 2020/21.”
View the Authority Monitoring Report 20/21
View the interactive ‘five-minute read’ summary
The East Suffolk Planning Policy Open Data Portal provides downloadable spreadsheets and GIS map files for a range of datasets reported in the Authority Monitoring Report including:
The Open Data Portal also hosts an interactive online map of Planning Policies across East Suffolk, including those from the Suffolk Coastal and Waveney Local Plans and Neighbourhood Plans and the Brownfield Land Register.