East Suffolk residents are invited to have their say on a new planning document covering custom and self-build housing.
A consultation on the draft Custom and Self-build Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which provides guidance on the development of custom and self-build housing, begins on Wednesday 6 September.
The Suffolk Coastal Local Plan and the Waveney Local Plan each contain a policy which supports custom and self-build housing. The Custom and Self-build Housing SPD provides further guidance on the application of these policies:
The draft SPD covers a range of topics including the types of housing that qualify as custom and self-build housing, an overview of the self-build exemption from Community Infrastructure Levy, consideration of design and the application of design codes, and guidance to help ensure custom and self-build housing is appropriately marketed.
Cllr Kay Yule, East Suffolk’s cabinet member for Planning and Coastal Management said: “Supplementary Planning Documents provide detailed guidance to developers and in this case, to people building their own properties. We welcome any feedback and all comments received will be taken into account when finalising the document.”
Comments on the Draft Custom and Self-build Housing Supplementary Planning Document must be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday 18 October 2023.
From 6 September, you can view the consultation and comment.
Comments can also be emailed to planningpolicy@eastsuffolk.gov.uk or sent to East Suffolk Council, Planning Policy and Delivery Team, Riverside, 4 Canning Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0EQ.
Paper copies of the draft SPD and consultation statement have been made available for inspection at all libraries in the district and at the Council’s Marina Customer Services Centre in Lowestoft.
All comments received will be considered when finalising the Custom and Self-build Housing SPD, which will be adopted in the winter of 2023/24. Once adopted, the SPD will be a material consideration in determining planning applications.