East Suffolk Council has served a Temporary Stop Notice in relation to land at Mow Hill, Witnesham.
Notice has been served today, Friday 27 October, in response to work commencing on site to construct dwellings without required surface water management and associated drainage systems. The works are therefore in breach of a condition of planning permission (DC/22/0998/FUL).
As Local Planning Authority, East Suffolk Council requires that new developments address surface water flooding through the inclusion of appropriate measures within the site to manage surface water to ensure surface water flood risk is not increased elsewhere.
We expect developers to undertake works in accordance with approved plans and the conditions included on planning permissions. Where developers fail to comply with approved plans and conditions, the Local Planning Authority can take formal enforcement action through the serving of notices.
While recent flooding around the area of the Mow Hill and Tuddenham Lane junction, during an extraordinary weather event, cannot be attributed solely to the failure of Denbury Homes to complete the required surface water management works, the lack of installation of the surface water management measures may have been a contributing factor.