When a property or land is being sold, the conveyancer dealing with the sale or purchase will usually carry out a search of the Local Land Charges Register, which may indicate a local land charge in relation to Section 106 planning obligations or a liability exists under the Community Infrastructure Levy.
East Suffolk Council charges a fee of £78 plus VAT (total £93.60) per property (or group of properties on the same development site) to provide confirmation of compliance with Section 106 Obligations and CIL liabilities.
Enquiries can now be made quickly and easily by completing our online S106 and CIL Solicitor Enquiries Form. Please ensure you submit relevant supporting information to enable officers to determine the S106 Agreement or CIL liability you are enquiring about, such as a copy of the search results, relevant Planning reference and/or S106 Agreement. Payment must be electronically made on submission of the enquiry.
If you require confirmation of compliance but are unable to pay by card, enquiries can also be made by submitting a PDF version of the Enquiry Form, via email to s106@eastsuffolk.gov.uk alongside confirmation of the payment being made by BACS.
Copies of S106 Agreements can be found online within the list of documents relating to the planning permission via our Public Access system.