We are committed to being as open as possible with the information provided to the community.
People have a right to access information about how we work and go about business. While there is obviously certain confidential information we cannot release, a lot of detailed information is already available, and easily accessible, through this website and other open sources.
We believe being open in providing information is an essential part of the democratic process, as the better informed people are the more active role they can play in local government.
This commitment is also shared by Central Government, which has underpinned the process with the publication of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, which came into effect on 7 November 2014.
The code sets out key principles for local authorities to create greater transparency through the publication of data and includes mandatory and recommended sets of data.
East Suffolk Council Constitution |
The Constitution is also available in pdf format. If you require this document in a different format please e-mail the Democratic Services team.
East Suffolk Transactions over £250 | East Suffolk Credit card transactions |
East Suffolk Contract Register | East Suffolk Procurement Strategy 2024-28 |
Contracts currently open to tender All tenders will be reviewed either a) within the first months of the contract start date or b) six months prior to the contract end date |
Supplying the council |
Suffolk Coastal District Council held a 20% share of Suffolk Coastal Norse Limited (previously Suffolk Coastal Services Ltd) since 1 April 2009. They provide a package of services including refuse, cleansing and maintenance.
In 2008/09, Waveney District Council entered into an arrangement with Norse Commercial Services Limited (NCS) for the provision of a package of services including Refuse, Cleansing and Maintenance. A new company, Waveney Norse Ltd, was formed to deliver this service.
All existing contracts transferred to East Suffolk Council on 1 April 2019.
From 1 July 2023, East Suffolk Services Ltd (ESSL) will deliver a range of services, on behalf of East Suffolk Council. These include waste and recycling collections, grounds maintenance, street cleansing, facilities management, CCTV, home alarms and parking enforcement.
East Suffolk Council created ESSL to operate as a Local Authority Trading Company (LATCo) following a thorough review of partnerships and operation. This will enable the council to play a more direct and influential role in how important services are delivered.
Full details relating to the Waste Contract can be found in the East Suffolk Contract Register (procurement information above).
East Suffolk Council only hold records of council owned land. Information about privately owned land is available from the Land Registry.
In line with national guidance, the council publishes open data about its land, building assets and vacant buildings (including location, Unique Property Reference Number, and type of ownership) in our Asset Register.
East Suffolk Council Asset Register (Excel) | East Suffolk Council Asset Register (CSV) |
To find out whether East Suffolk Council owns a particular piece of land, try our Geographic Information System (GIS) which is an interactive mapping service that lets you view some of our map based information (select the 'East Suffolk Council Ownership' option from the left hand menu).
If you need any further assistance please contact our Asset Management team.
Local Authorities are required to publish details of the value of social housing stock that is held in their Housing Revenue Account. The data must be published by postal sector and classified within pre-determined valuation bands and include valuations for the dwellings using both Exiting Use Value for Social Housing (EUV-SH) and Market Value (MV). The data is required to be published annually as at 1 April and must be based on the authority’s most up to date valuations.
Social Housing Asset valuations |
The tenanted value of dwellings within the Housing Revenue Account is valued at Existing Use Value – Social Housing. This assumes the estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the date of valuation subject to the property being let in pursuant to delivery of a service for existing use i.e. tenanted socially rented dwellings rather than vacant possession.
The Market Value or Existing Use Value indicates the best price at which a sale of an interest in the property would have been completed unconditionally for cash consideration with vacant possession.
The vacant possession value is for comparison purposes only and is not intended to suggest that tenancies should end to realise the market value of properties.
Fraud transparency figures 2023-24 - .PDF | .CSV |
Trade union facility time | .PDF | .CSV - the number of staff union representatives and an estimate of spending on unions |
Organisation Chart | Senior Salaries Headcounts and Budgets |
Median | Maximum | Average |
£25,295.00 | £153,615.00 | £28,359.82 |
Relevant information relating to Pay Multiple can be found in the Pay Policy Statement and Gender Pay Gap Report below.
The Housing Ombudsman Service requires landlords to complete and publish their complaint handling code self assessment.
Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code self-assessment form |
Digital Strategy - using technology and transformational approaches to improve services |
People Strategy - developing the capability of our people in order to deliver excellent 21st century services |