Health and safety at work
Our inspectors normally enforce health and safety standards by giving advice on how to comply with the law. Sometimes we must order people to make improvements by issuing them with an Enforcement Notice. If necessary, East Suffolk Council may prosecute recipients for non-compliance with a notice. Officers will follow East Suffolk Council’s Compliance and Enforcement Policy to decide on the most appropriate action to take.
Public Register of Health and Safety Enforcement Notices under the Environment and Safety Information Act 1988
- Under the requirements of the Environment and Safety Information Act 1988, East Suffolk Council maintains a public register of information on notices which do not impose requirements or conditions solely for the protection of persons at work. These are called “relevant notices” under this Act and will be identified by the inspector serving the notice.
- The entry in the register will be made within 14 days either of the expiry of the right of appeal or of the disposal of an appeal. Where a notice is cancelled on appeal no entry will be made. Where an inspector is satisfied that a notice has been complied with, a further entry will be made in the register within 7 days to show this. If a notice is withdrawn or amended the entry on the register will be withdrawn or amended within 7 days.
- The entry on the register will normally be the relevant details from the front page of the notice form. If the recipient thinks that the entry for the notice would disclose information about a trade secret or secret manufacturing process, they can give written notice to East Suffolk Council within 14 days. East Suffolk Council will then draft an entry which it believes will not reveal the secret and serve this on the recipient. In the meantime the entry in the register will specify only the name and address, any place involved and the relevant legal provisions. If not satisfied with the redrafted entry they have a further right of appeal to the Secretary of State within 14 days.
- Enforcement Notices will usually appear on this website for a period of 3 years.