As part of its commitment to seek the best possible value for money for residents, businesses and all local stakeholders, East Suffolk Council is to create a Local Authority Trading Company (LATCo), enabling it to play a more direct and influential role in how important services are delivered.
Read more about "New Trading Company to deliver key council services "...Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK and harms the health of millions worldwide. The World Health Organisation and the UK Government recognise that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk we face today. Poor air quality causes heart and lung diseases, is linked to low birth weight and children’s lung development and may even contribute to mental health issues.
Read more about "Clean Air Day"...As part of a range of exciting digital projects taking place across East Suffolk, free-to-use public wi-fi has now been launched in Lowestoft.
Read more about "East Suffolk Free Wi-fi launches in Lowestoft"...Lowestoft residents are invited to learn more about the installation of a 40m tidal barrier, which will be the final phase of the town’s permanent flood defences.
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