Once your planning application and building regulations have been approved and initial work has commenced on the site, you should apply for the property address/es.
If the application is for a larger site or development and requires road name allocation, please include any suggestions as part of your application. Guidance can be found in our street naming and numbering procedure.
When considering the new street names we will ensure that the proposed names will not cause confusion, cannot be mis-spelt, are unique to the vicinity and are unlikely to offend anyone.
We also consult the relevant parish or town council for their comments on the proposed names.
Once agreement for the names has been reached, we allocate numbers to the properties and a draft naming and numbering schedule is sent to the developer for comment.
Sometimes the developer is happy for the parish or town council to propose suitable street names. On these occasions we consult with the parish or town council and send the developer a draft naming and numbering schedule for comment when names have been agreed.
If the application is for an individual property or where no new road name is required, we will allocate a number to the new property relating to its location in the road, which may incorporate ‘a’ or ‘b’ where appropriate. Property names can be given in addition to the number, but the number will be the primary address.
It is not always possible to allocate numbers to properties, for example, where the surrounding properties have names only. If this is the case we will ask you to submit a name proposal. Care should be taken when proposing a name to ensure that there is nothing similar in the vicinity. The use of property names such as ‘New House', 'The Bungalow' and 'The Cottage’ is not advised as these names can cause confusion.
Applications should be made using our property naming and numbering online form. We need to know:
This will be charged in line with our fees and charges schedule. Payment is collected as part of the online form process.
No action will be taken until full payment is received.
Please take a note of the reference number given when you submit the online form.
If, due to a change in the layout of a development site, a superseded numbering scheme needs to be issued after the approved naming and numbering scheme has been formally issued, there will be a charge. This is charged in line with our fees and charges schedule.
For enquiries relating to addresses, such as addressing confirmation or problems with addresses, you should contact our Gazetteer Officer, giving full details of your query and a contact telephone number or email address. This is charged in line with our fees and charges schedule.