Public inquiry to be held as a virtual eventOpening on 30 June 2020 at 10.00am Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/X3540/W/19/3242636. Case Officer contact at the Planning Inspectorate: Leanne Palmer. Tel: 0303 444 5471. Email: |
Appeal by Capital Community Developments Ltd relating to the application to East Suffolk Council for a phased development of 75 dwellings, car parking, public open space, hard and soft landscaping and associated infrastructure and access at Land To The North And West Of Garden Square And Gardenia Close, Rendlesham
An inspector appointed by the Secretary of State will hold an inquiry, opening on the date shown above to decide the appeal. The inquiry will be held as a virtual event run by an inspector in the normal way, but with the parties invited to join via Microsoft Teams or telephone.
Documents relating to the appeal can be viewed on Public Access (Ref DC/19/1499). Anyone wishing to attend the inquiry and/or, at the inspector's discretion, give their views, must make that interest known to the Planning Inspectorate Case Officer as soon as possible, prior to the inquiry, either by email or telephone after reading the inquiry attendance information set out in the full site notice.