Abandoned vehicles can devalue an area, promoting blight and deterioration. They create fire and health and safety hazards and generally constitute a nuisance and obstruction to other road users.
If you think a vehicle has been involved in a crime you should contact Suffolk Police on 01473 613500 or 101 or Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111. |
The following criteria will help decide if a vehicle may be abandoned:
No, most untaxed vehicles are in regular use, and cannot be considered abandoned.
It is illegal to keep a vehicle with no current vehicle excise duty on the road. It is the responsibility of the DVLA to follow through on untaxed vehicles.
You can report or check them on the GOV.UK website.
Where the owner takes responsibility for a vehicle, we will not normally deem it as abandoned.
You can report an abandoned vehicle online, by calling Customer Services or in person at any of the councils' offices.
A Council Enforcement Officer will inspect the vehicle and investigate whether it is actually abandoned. If in the opinion of the Enforcement Officer the vehicle is abandoned then the course of action that will be taken by the Council is dependent on the condition and location of the vehicle:
Any vehicle that is clearly abandoned becomes the responsibility of the Council. The law governing the removal of vehicles is contained in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 and the Removal and Disposal of Vehicle Regulations 1986.
Yes, under section 2(1) of the 1978 Act. The maximum penalty for abandoning a vehicle is a fine or 3 months imprisonment or both.
There is no charge for the person reporting a vehicle but the council will always try to trace the last known owner to recover costs. The last registered owner is responsible for the disposal of a vehicle if it is inspected and deemed abandoned. We will pursue them via the DVLA for reimbursement of costs. If they tell us that the vehicle was sold, they must provide details of the new owner. Failure to do so will render the last registered owner responsible. You must by law inform the DVLA of any change of ownership or disposal of the vehicle and ensure you keep all documentation. The Council will take action to recover the statutory charges for its removal, storage and disposal from the person responsible for abandoning a vehicle.
Free vehicle take back
Under the End of Life Vehicle Directive, car manufacturers have set up Authorised Treatment Facilities (ATFs) to scrap complete old cars when they reach the end of their life. You can now deliver your unwanted vehicle to certain sites or arrange for it to be picked up and taken for disposal, depending on the make of your vehicle.
To find the details of your nearest ATF, contact one of the two national end-of-life vehicle take-back schemes, CarTakeBack or Rewarding Recycling.