How to report fly-tipping
There are a few simple rules you need to follow to provide the best information possible, keep yourself safe and preserve the evidence. If you discover fly-tipped waste after the tippers have left, please:
- Do not touch the waste as it can be dangerous - it may contain syringes, broken glass, asbestos, toxic chemicals or other hazardous substances
- Visually inspect it and try to determine its contents and how much there is
- Take note of its exact location and whether it is in or near water
- Do not disturb the site - there may be evidence that could help identify the culprits and lead to their prosecution
You can report fly-tipping by using our online fly-tipping reporting form or you can contact us directly.
If you see someone fly tipping, please make a note of:
- The day, date and time you saw the tipping
What you saw:
- How many people and what they looked like
- What they were doing and what was tipped
- Any vehicles involved (make, colour and registration number)
Where you were when you saw the fly-tipping:
- What kind of view you had and how far away you were
- Weather and light conditions