Suffolk Infolink
Activities and services for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities
Suffolk Observatory
One-stop-shop for data, statistics and reports about Suffolk.
Local Plan information
Setting out the planning policies, proposals and actions for the future development of our district.
Community Led Planning
Community led planning offers people with the opportunity to help to shape the future of the places in which they live, work and play. It can help to influence the provision of housing, green space, services and facilities and a variety of options are now available for those interested communities.
Community Partnerships
Community Partnerships are an exciting way we bring ideas to life by working together on local priorities.
Suffolk Community Foundation
Each of us is only as strong as the communities we live in. With your help, the Suffolk Community Foundation can be a remarkable force for good in our county.
National funding
Most Lottery funders will only fund groups that have a governing document such as a constitution, trust deed, memorandum and articles of association or similar set of rules. Lottery Funding can offer some useful advice on creating a governing document.
Community grants and funding
We are inviting groups to apply for grant support through the capital and revenue grant programmes. We are looking for projects that work with and support Suffolk Coastal communities and residents, that are new initiatives or developing a project further.