The Enabling Community Budgets (ECBs) are intended to support activities delivered by community, voluntary and social enterprise organisations. A total of £412,500 has been allocated from New Homes Bonus (funding generated through new houses built in the district) for 2024/2025. This gives each of the 55 elected members of East Suffolk Council a £7,500 Enabling Communities Budget to spend on community projects or to develop new projects in their ward to tackle local need.
Read more about "Enabling Communities Budgets"...The Nightsafe and Pubwatch schemes were formed in partnership with local licensees, Police and the Local Authority. The schemes were formed to assist the four licensing objectives of the Licensing Act: The Prevention of Crime and Disorder, Public Safety, The Prevention of Public Nuisance and the Protection of Children from Harm.
Read more about "Nightsafe and Pub Watch schemes"...Households across East Suffolk are being asked to take part in Census 2021.
Following a successful bid to the Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund, it has today been confirmed that Lowestoft will be offered £24.9 million to invest in the regeneration of the town, driving economic growth and acting as a catalyst for future investment.
Read more about "Lowestoft secures £24.9million in Government funding"...The following groups, also known as 'relevant bodies', are all eligible to express an interest in bidding to run a particular district council service:
Read more about "How the Right to Challenge Works"...Southwold Harbour Management Committee (HMC) was established in July 2021, following agreement and previous reports to the Southwold Harbour Lands Joint Committee and East Suffolk Council’s Cabinet. The HMC acts in the best interests of the harbour and Southwold Caravan Site, to ensure their long-term sustainability and success.
Read more about "Southwold Harbour Management Committee"...East Suffolk Council has launched a new £2 million business grant scheme for the hospitality sector as it continues to support local businesses through the pandemic.
Read more about "Extra support for East Suffolk businesses"...Celebrating women’s creativity for International Women’s Day was the plan through WAMfest Felixstowe 2021, (Women Arts and Music). But the best laid plans of mice and women were thwarted by COVID 19.
Read more about "WAMfest Felixstowe celebrates International Women’s Day"...As part of our ongoing Plastic Action campaign, in 2019 the Greenprint Forum commissioned a Yellow Fish campaign run by Groundwork East to raise awareness, through the message of “Only Rain Down the Drain”, that most surface water drains (e.g. the gullies, gutters and drains along the sides of public roads) are only designed to carry rainwater, and as such usually connect directly to natural watercourses which ultimately lead to the ocean. This is unlike the foul water system, which feeds into sewage treatment works.
Read more about "Yellow Fish"...Page 44 of 240