If a business which has a premises licence is sold or changes hands, the new owner or owners can apply to have the licence transferred into their name if they have the consent of the existing licence holder. If the existing licence holder’s consent to the transfer cannot be obtained for any reason, please contact us for advice.
Read more about "Transfer a premises licence"...If you already hold a premises licence you will have some form of authorisation to carry out one or more licensable activities. You can also make an application at any time to ‘vary’ your premises licence to alter the terms of your licence. For example, you can apply to extend the hours you are open to the public or to have conditions removed from your existing licence. You can also apply to add a licensable activity that your current licence does not allow you to carry out.
Read more about "Vary a premises licence"...The designated premises supervisor (DPS) is responsible for authorising the sale or supply of alcohol at a premises. That individual must hold a personal licence and only one DPS may be named on a premises licence at any one time.
Read more about "Vary a designated premises supervisor"...The publication scheme is based on the model publication scheme approved by the Information Commissioner and supports policies of transparency and accountability:
Read more about "Publication Scheme"...The Government has produced a guide on how to hold a street party in your local area that sets out the things you need to think about and the information you will need to let us know:
Read more about "Organising a street party"...Good planning and organisation is essential to putting on an event that is both safe and enjoyable. For many events all that is required is to follow a basic series of steps.
Read more about "Running an event safely"...Premises licences are granted to a premises to authorise one or more licensable activities. The licensable activities are as follows:
Read more about "Making objections to licence applications"...People who live or work in the vicinity of a premises licensed to sell alcohol, provide entertainment, or sell hot food or hot drink between 11pm and 5am, can ask the council to review the licence if they are being adversely affected by the operation of the licence.
Read more about "Applying for a review of a premises licence"...Under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013, those who deal in scrap metal require a licence. There are two types of licence – one for running a site and one for mobile collectors who do not operate from a site.
Read more about "Scrap metal dealer licensing"...In East Suffolk we aim to provide a better quality of life by encouraging investment, business development and job creation. We work with a number of local, sub-regional, regional and national partners to support businesses and facilitate key regeneration opportunities.
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