Past Developers Forum meetings |
Developers Forum - 20 July 2023 |
Developers Forum - 23 April 2021 |
Developer's Forum - 30 January 2020 |
Developers Forum - 28 May 2019 |
Developers Forum - 26 April 2018 |
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The Developers Forum is a meeting to encourage better communication with local development stakeholders. The group has met to discuss many of the difficult planning issues facing the district, to develop policies for both encouraging and controlling new development to meet the needs of all. It also proves a useful means of updating developers on government proposals and changes in the planning system.
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Forums also take place for Town and Parish Councils.
Building for Life is a tool for assessing the architectural and urban design qualities of residential submissions.
It is intended to be used from inception through to practical completion of schemes, whereby early scoring of proposals, by an Accredited Assessor, will lead to discussion of improvements leading in turn to a higher score.
The threshold suggested is 12 points out of the 20 maximum possible. The scheme operates on the basis that a topic area will either be satisfactory, and score a point, or won't and will score zero in that topic area. On the face of it this appears crude, however, it does enable discussion and suggestion leading to better outcomes.
One of the partners to the scheme: The Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) is being disbanded, the other partners: The National House builders Federation and the Homes and Communities Agency, however continue and the requirement for Local Planning Authorities to submit Annual Monitoring Returns for larger schemes also remains.