These documents form the evidence base relating to needs, constraints and opportunities in relation to the Local Plans.
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Employment, retail and leisure
Flooding and Coastal Erosion
Natural Environment
Historic Environment
Whole Plan Viability Study
Topic Papers
Employment and retail
An objective assessment of need for new industrial and office space between 2011-2031. It also provides a qualitative assessment of business needs.
An update on the quantitative aspect of employment land for the Waveney Economic Area.
Assessing which existing employment areas should be protected by planning policy.
An objective assessment of need for new retail and leisure development.
Justifying a local floorspace threshold to identify the impact of edge or out-of-centre locations for retail.
Identifying the energy sector activity at the PowerPark in Lowestoft.
Identifying the future supply of land which could help deliver the needs identified for housing and economic development.
Culture, tourism and leisure
The vision for cycling in the area. A map of cycling issues shows where improvements can be made.
A strategic approach to improve green spaces and the connections between them.
An overview of green spaces such as parks and gardens, amenity, play spaces, allotments, natural and semi-natural, cemeteries and green corridors.
The quantity and quality of pitches and outdoor sports facilities.
Assessing the impact upon the highway network of development planned in the Local Plan and identifying junctions that are likely to experience congestion in the future.
Assessing the impact on the highway network from different growth scenarios.
Examining the traffic impact from access options for growth to the south of Beccles.
Assessing the impact of the emerging preferred option. It includes updates to the model from the July 2017 reports.
A response to issues raised within the Beccles Transport Impact Assessment, which was commissioned by Worlingham Parish Council.
Flooding and coastal erosion
Appendix Part 1 | Appendix Part 2 | Appendix Part 3 | Appendix Part 4
The purpose of the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment is to enable a more detailed understanding of flood risk and identify areas vulnerable to flooding.
Appendix A | Appendix B Part 1 | Appendix B Part 2 | Appendix C Part 1 | Appendix C Part 2 | Appendix D
An analysis of potential impacts on the tidal flood cell of Lake Lothing in Lowestoft as a result of proposed land raising scenarios for several regeneration sites.
An assessment of the risks associated with coastal erosion and flooding.
Renewable energy
Informing sustainable construction and renewable energy policies to ensure that objectives can be delivered in a sustainable, carbon efficient way.
Natural environment
The purpose of landscape character assessment is to help ensure that change and development does not undermine whatever is characteristic or valued about a particular place.
The capacity of landscapes around settlements to accommodate different scales of development.
Assessing how planned future growth will impact upon water supply capacity, sewage capacity and environmental capacity.
An audit of selected green spaces, open spaces and County Wildlife Sites.
Historic environment
Identifying the heritage assets affected by development on land south of The Street, Carlton Colville / Gisleham and assessing their significance and setting out measures to minimise harm.
Identifying the heritage assets affected by development on land between Hall Lane and Union Lane, Oulton and assessing their significance and setting out measures to minimise harm.
Whole Plan Viability Assessment
Assessing the financial viability of the policies and proposals in the Local Plan.
Topic Papers
Background on how the requirements for M4(2) Standard housing as stated in the Lifetime Design policy were established and the justification for including this criteria in the policy.
Background to the definition of Settlement Boundaries, their justification and how they have been delineated on the Policies Map.
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