The Lound with Ashby, Herringfleet and Somerleyton Neighbourhood Plan was prepared by Lound with Ashby, Herringfleet and Somerleyton parish councils following extensive consultation with the local community and sets out its vision for development to 2036.
Lound with Ashby, Herringfleet and Somerleyton Neighbourhood Plan was formally ‘Made’ by East Suffolk Council on 27 July 2022 and now forms part of the Development Plan for the district. A paper copy can be inspected at Lowestoft Library and the Marina Centre, Lowestoft.
A referendum was held on 23 June 2022. Of the people who voted, 91.9% voted in favour of the Lound with Ashby, Herringfleet and Somerleyton Neighbourhood Plan.
Documents relating to the Referendum (the ‘specified documents’):
Consultation period: 1 July 2016 to 12 August 2016
Status: Approved 14 August 2016